Susan Wallace Acupuncture
Albany Acupuncture Health and Wellness Newsletter
Healthy Living Newsletter February 2024
Stealth Pathogens May Be Compromising Your Health
Number 38 February 2024
Greetings and Happy New Year,
I have an important topic to introduce this month.
Stealth Pathogens: I often see patients with several to many chronic symptoms which never add up to a specific diagnosis in the doctor’s office. It might be a recurring skin rash or odd intermittent pains, allergic reactions that don’t have an obvious cause, respiratory problems that never go away, a virus that goes dormant like herpes, or food poisoning that seemed to clear but didn’t, candida that changes into some other fungus. Often, it’s chalked up to aging.
Patients will tell me about a health issue from the past and then say, “I’ve never been well since.” This is likened to a computer being hacked and you don’t feel right but all the conventional lab and diagnostic testing comes up negative. An antibiotic or other treatment has been used and at first, it’s successful but then either symptoms come back, or other symptoms appear. What has happened is complicated but to keep it simple we say the pathogen has become stealth. It could be a virus, bacteria, parasite, mycoplasma or fungi that has altered its makeup so that it is undetectable by the immune system. Now these “critters” can lay in wait for an opportunity to come out of hiding and cause illness.
Treatment: Treating this takes whole plant herbs that are pulse dosed to trick the stealth critters to come out of hiding and then get eliminated. The treatment is usually 4 days of one treatment followed by 10 days of a different treatment. This is done for 12 weeks and then a break is taken, and health is reassessed.
I have seen dramatic results in different individuals, and it is an easy program to follow. There are no dietary restrictions, and the herbs are usually well tolerated. If you are interested in the Stealth Pathogen protocol please contact me know and I’ll get you started.
This is different than the food based 28-day purification cleanse which is helpful in refreshing all the organs like a good spring cleaning. It helps all the organs clear out any byproducts of metabolism which can help us feel more energy overall.
Group Cleanse: I will still offer my usual 28-day purification cleanse group at the end of March. Dates to be arranged.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
1398 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 - corner of Carmel and Solano
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Healthy Living Newsletter October 2023
Drink Clean Water for Your Best Health
Number 37 October 2023
As we enter fall, I've been thinking about one of my favorite topics - hydration and water filters. When we filter water right in our homes, we get the best, safest water possible. And you don’t have to lug cases of bottled water to do so.
If you aren’t using a water filter then you are the water filter.
Our municipal water departments only need to test and regulate for certain contaminants. Some contaminants such as lead are unsafe at any level however our state will allow some lead to remain in the water. Here are some other factors to consider:
Eleven years ago I was on a vacation and the day before I got on a plane to fly home I spent time in the resorts large hot pool. I love to be in water and kept dunking my head under the hot water. I went to bed and the next morning I got on a plane to fly home. When I got off the plane I couldn’t hear normally. I thought my ears would “pop”, but they never did. This was 11 years ago.
- The distribution of our water supply travels through over a million miles of pipes that may be 100 years old.
- Over 700 water mains break every day. Ask a water district employee what those pipes look like on the inside when it must be replaced.
- When a water main breaks the water district must flood the system with untreated water to keep the pressure up in the pipes. Then they issue a boil water alert, but this is after the fact.
- Also boiling water concentrates certain contaminants like lead and nitrates. You can protect yourself by using a good water filter.
I have been studying water safety and water filters and purifiers for over 30 years and I am happy to say that the Multipure water filter reduces and removes the greatest number of contaminants that effect our health. The family-owned company was started by 2 brothers who assembled water filters in their garage and sold them door to door. That was over 50 years ago and Multipure is the clean water industry leader. Multipure has grown into a worldwide distributor of water filters and purifiers that are sought after for home use as well as during disasters when the water supply is disrupted and/or contaminated. Multipure only makes water filters and is always on the cutting edge of technology.
One aspect of choosing a home water filter is it needs to be independently evaluated by a consumer testing company. There are thousands of water filters on the market and wherever I see them in stores I look for what contaminants are removed and what independent testing agency has certified the product. Very often I find neither. NSF International is the agency that tests consumer products. You can look up a product on their website and see what it does. Multipure decreases and removes the most contaminants and comes out on top in Consumer Report reviews.
Multipure has several models for home and emergency use. They are easy to install, affordable and the filter is replaced once per year depending on your water usage. The stainless-steel housing has a lifetime guarantee.
he Water Quality Association surveys the public every 2 years and people are concerned about drinking water especially pharmaceuticals in the water. Multipure was the first to develop technology to remove drugs and hormones. Also, in 2015 when PFOA’s were discovered contaminating the water supply in Hoosick Falls, New York Multipure filters could remove it. At that time, it wasn’t a chemical that any agency was testing.
Staying hydrated is a very important aspect of staying healthy. We can go without food for many days, but we would die within 3 days without water. It keeps our nervous systems functioning, it helps the liver and kidneys remove waste, it is important for the health of our skin. Drinking enough water can prevent headaches, muscle cramps, constipation and urinary tract infections. You can have the highest quality water by using a Multipure Drinking Water System.
You can learn more about water and health by going to my webpage and click on water filters in the top banner. This will take you to Multipure’s site where you view the products, read about the science of water filtration and see all the contaminants that are removed by these filters. If you have questions or need help purchasing a filter please contact me.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
1398 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 - corner of Carmel and Solano
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Healthy Living Newsletter August 2023
My Hearing Miricle
Number 36 August 2023
Good news. I love helping my patients heal from injury or disease, and sometimes its my patient who helps me heal. As many of you know I have a hearing loss and needed to wear hearing aids. As of a month ago my hearing has returned, I have not needed my hearing aids for the 5 weeks.
Here’s my new hearing story.
Eleven years ago I was on a vacation and the day before I got on a plane to fly home I spent time in the resorts large hot pool. I love to be in water and kept dunking my head under the hot water. I went to bed and the next morning I got on a plane to fly home. When I got off the plane I couldn’t hear normally. I thought my ears would “pop”, but they never did. This was 11 years ago.
It was difficult because as anyone knows not being able to hear is a serious handicap. I went to my internist first and was given antibiotics and that did nothing. I was also prescribed antihistamines, decongestants and steroids but nothing changed. I saw and ear, nose and throat doctor who offered to put tubes through my ear drums but that did not sound good as that is usually done to children and the eardrums heal but it is not always the case for older adults. Having permanent holes in my ears would have set me up for infections and I would never be able to swim or put my head under water.
That Christmas my husband, Tom bought me an over-the-counter hearing amplifier that was large and conspicuous. I was thrilled. He thought I might be upset with such a cumbersome device, but I could hear better and that was wonderful. Having a hearing loss in my profession is a problem. I must ask lots of questions and there are only so many times I can ask, “what?” Sometimes the answers to my questions were whispered to me because they were so personal, so I really had to develop my lip reading and contextual skills to keep up with my charting and communicating. Fortunately my patients have been very gracious about correcting me if I’ve misheard something.
Gradually my hearing got worse, and Tom commented that at home I just wasn’t talking to him. In groups I couldn’t participate in the conversations because I could not hear everyone. I tend to be an introvert, so it did not bother me so much socially but in my work, it became more and more difficult.
Finally, I got hearing aids. That was so wonderful because I could hear birds and all kinds of ambient noises that I hadn’t been able to hear. My voice to me sounded like I was under water and all my doctors both Western and Alternative tried everything to help my hearing loss. Some things helped a little, but my hearing has been getting worse over the 11 years until last month.
As of a month ago I have not needed to wear hearing aids. One of my patients showed me a device from Sweden that is a balloon that is blown up from the nostril and the reverse pressure clears and opens the estuation tubes. It is truly a miracle and I am so thankful for the information my patient shared with me.
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. Cleansing is my terminology for eating a whole foods diet while supplementing with specifically formulated nutrients that help the body release toxins and excrete them from the body. I describe it as a pause from the “anything goes” eating style. On the organ level the liver is the major detoxifying organ. If the liver is not working efficiently we deposit excess toxins in our fat cells which leads to poor health, fatigue and weight gain that is difficult to get rid of. On the cellular level each cell has a cleansing process as well so that all the nutrients needed for the cell to preform need to be available and able to get through the cell wall. This is where our energy is made and if the cell isn’t able to work properly we become fatigued and ill.
I always learn something from the patients I see, and I feel so privileged to be able to do the work that I do. I’m telling you my story not because I think you need this device but because I want you to know that there is always the possibility of finding something that will help you. Sometimes we do things as insurance dictates, sometimes we experiment, sometimes we make mistakes. We can always keep trying.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
1398 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 - corner of Carmel and Solano
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Healthy Living Newsletter December 2022
Kick Start Your 2023 Health Goals with My Whole Foods Cleanse Program
Number 35 December 2022
As the year ends, I want to express my thanks for your on-going support. I am so grateful that I get to do this work and without you I would not be in practice. The last several years have been challenging in so many ways and what is clear to me is that we need each other in all the ways that produce a thriving community. Thank you for being part of mine.
Healthy Goals for 2023
A new year is upon us and if you are thinking about getting healthier, I have the perfect program for you. I’m planning a cleanse group to start in early January 2023. It’s been awhile since I’ve lead a group cleanse and I’m excited to offer this again. It’s not a juice fast or colon cleanse that may leave you depleted. The 28-Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fresh vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and proteins that encourage the body’s natural detoxification process. I will conduct the sessions on Zoom but will have you pick up your supplies from my office before the start date. We will have 5 sessions starting Tuesday Jan 3, 2023 and finishing on Tue Jan 30. In each session we will discuss your experience, different aspects of cleansing and group support and ideas. The cost is $455 and includes a protein powder, fiber supplement as well as an herbal liquid, charcoal powder, cleanse guide and recipes. Depending on each person’s particular situation I may add or subtract a few of the products. To reserve your space, contact me and send or drop off a check at my office 1398 Solano Ave Albany, CA 94706.
Start date: January 3, 2023
End date: January 31, 2023
Hours: Tuesdays from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Cost: $455
Nourish and Cleanse Your Body
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. Cleansing is my terminology for eating a whole foods diet while supplementing with specifically formulated nutrients that help the body release toxins and excrete them from the body. I describe it as a pause from the “anything goes” eating style. On the organ level the liver is the major detoxifying organ. If the liver is not working efficiently we deposit excess toxins in our fat cells which leads to poor health, fatigue and weight gain that is difficult to get rid of. On the cellular level each cell has a cleansing process as well so that all the nutrients needed for the cell to preform need to be available and able to get through the cell wall. This is where our energy is made and if the cell isn’t able to work properly we become fatigued and ill.
Experience More Energy, Less Pain and Even Weight Loss
This is a great opportunity to make some changes in your food consumption and dietary habits. In this program, we consume a whole foods diet with added protein in the form of a powder made from either whey protein, pea or rice protein. The cleanse stresses the importance of fresh whole foods over processed foods and eliminates foods most likely to cause adverse reactions. After just 28 days many people experience more energy, improved digestion, less cravings, less anxiety, less headaches, better sleep, less joint pain, weight loss and clearer skin. Participants have also decreased their medications due to improved blood sugar, decreased blood pressure or decreased pain. The comment I hear the most is “ I can’t believe how easy it was.”
Multipure Water Filters – Special Offer
If you aren’t using a water filter your body is your filter. Multipure has been making water filtration systems for over 50 years and they are the best product on the market. The company is offering a special until the new year. Any filter that is purchased will receive a coupon for the next replacement filter for free. This is a great savings. Depending on the filter model it could be a savings of $125. If you need more information please contact me. You can also see the company’s products, science and independent certification by going to my website and clicking on Multipure in the top banner.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
1398 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 - corner of Carmel and Solano
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I just Moved Into My New Office – Again
Featured Article: Using Mushrooms to Improve Your Health
Number 34 August 2022
Greetings I wanted to give you an update that I have moved into a new office, since my old office was recently sold. The good news is that it's two blocks away from the old office located on the corner of Carmel & Solano. Also, I will discuss an important nutritional topic I have been studying the past several years: using mushrooms to fortify your body's immune system and overall health.
New Office is Open!
My new office is open, and I will start treating patients on Monday August 1, 2022. It's located in a beautiful small medical/ofifce building, My suite is very cozy and comfortable with plenty of light. The address is below. I am still available to do consultations over the phone. I can prescribe herbs and supplements; get you started on a cleanse program. Contact me if you would like to schedule an appointment for a treatment or consultation.
Mushrooms to the Rescue
I have been fortunate to spend much of the last 2 years studying different topics in my field. Mushrooms both medicinal and edible has been one of those topics. In Traditional Chinese Medicine mushrooms have been used as a tonic to enhance the body’s qi or energy and were highly valued to benefit longevity. In today’s modern research we have found that mushrooms improve the body’s immune system as well as enhancing brain and heart health. There are hundreds of research studies showing many more therapeutic effects of specific mushrooms. All mushrooms from the common white and brown mushrooms found in the grocery store as well as the huge variety found all over the world have extraordinary health benefits.
To maximize the benefits, try to eat mushrooms regularly 4-10 grams of mushrooms per serving, 4-5 times per week. This is a small amount, less than 1/8 of a cup per serving. I cook up about 1 pound of mushrooms at a time and then I have enough to last the week. Cook the mushrooms, either sautéing at high heat or cooked in hot soups. When sautéing mushrooms start them in a dry pan with ¼ to ½ cup of water. Start cooking with high heat and the mushrooms will release their moisture and collapse. Cook until all the water is gone, and the pan is dry, being careful that they don’t burn. Now you can add a small amount of oil or butter to flavour and brown them and then finally add some broth to deglaze the pan or other ingredients to make a sauce. This method is new to me courtesy of Americas Test Kitchen and it prevents adding excess fat and tastes great. My favourite combination is using shiitake and maitake.
Training Your Immune System
The immune system is divided into 2 responses: the innate immune system and the acquired immune system. The innate immune system is the first line of defence and it acts quickly. It can be as simple as a physical barrier like skin or cough reflex or eye tearing up to remove foreign objects. It can be a cellular response as well such as destroying a pathogen like a sore throat before you get ill. The innate immune response has an important role to play in the first 7 days of an infection. This immune system can be trained, and consuming mushrooms is a very effective way of doing this.
The acquired immune response is also known as the adaptive immune response which we acquire for a specific virus or pathogen. This is a slower response. The first time a body encounters a new pathogen the body manufactures antibodies so in the future it can recognize it as harmful and mount a quicker response. Acquired immunity can be due to previous infections, from a vaccine or passed from a mother to her baby through the placenta or breast milk.
Mushrooms support the innate immune system by contributing Beta- glucans to the diet. These unique nutrients cannot be made by our bodies and can only be acquired if we consume them. Mushrooms have a cumulative effect and therefore need to be consumed regularly. The immune effects can last several weeks to several months after discontinued. Mushrooms can be taken in supplement form and each of the medicinal mushrooms has specific effects. Some of these mushrooms are not eaten as they are woody or bitter, so they are consumed in teas or pills. It is important the mushrooms are grown in an organic and non-toxic way and tested for contaminants. I find companies that are using organic methods and growing the correct species, listing the proper chemical components, and packaging in therapeutic dosages.
To recap, some of the benefits of eating mushroom regularly are improved energy, mental ability, improving innate immunity, lung and kidney function as well as blood sugar regulation and heart health. You can improve and strengthen your immune system simply by adding mushrooms to your diet or supplement program. So very simple, so let's get started today.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
1398 Solano Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 - corner of Carmel & Solano
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New Office Update & Eating Mushrooms to Improve Your Immume System
Number 33 September 2020
Greetings I wanted to give you an update on my new office, seeing patients and tell you about one of the important topics I have been studying this summer.
New Office is Open!
My new office is open, and I am seeing patients one at a time and allowing space in between so I can follow all the cleaning protocols to keep us all safe. I’m in a beautiful small medical building, built in the 1930’s by a medical doctor who also built his home on the property. My suite is just two rooms and has new wood floors, countertops and sinks so it is quite easy to keep clean and the perfect size for seeing one person at a time. I have been settling into my routine and so happy to be able to give my patients acupuncture treatments once again. I am still available to do consultations over the phone. I can prescribe herbs and supplements; get you started on a cleanse program and guide you through some acupressure protocols. I can even send you stainless steel ear balls that you can apply with my direction. Contact me if you would like to schedule an appointment for a treatment or consultation.
Mushrooms to the Rescue
I have been fortunate to spend much of the last 5 months studying different topics in my field. Mushrooms both medicinal and edible has been one of those topics. In Traditional Chinese Medicine mushrooms have been used as a tonic to enhance the body’s qi or energy and were highly valued to benefit longevity. In today’s modern research we have found that mushrooms improve the body’s immune system as well as enhancing brain and heart health. There are hundreds of research studies showing many more therapeutic effects of specific mushrooms. All mushrooms from the common white and brown mushrooms found in the grocery store as well as the huge variety found all over the world have extraordinary health benefits.
To maximize the benefits, try to eat mushrooms regularly 4-10 grams of mushrooms per serving, 4-5 times per week. This is a small amount, less than 1/8 of a cup per serving. I cook up about 1 pound of mushrooms at a time and then I have enough to last the week. Cook the mushrooms, either sautéing at high heat or cooked in hot soups. When sautéing mushrooms start them in a dry pan with ¼ to ½ cup of water. Start cooking with high heat and the mushrooms will release their moisture and collapse. Cook until all the water is gone, and the pan is dry, being careful that they don’t burn. Now you can add a small amount of oil or butter to flavour and brown them and then finally add some broth to deglaze the pan or other ingredients to make a sauce. This method is new to me courtesy of Americas Test Kitchen and it prevents adding excess fat and tastes great. My favourite combination is using shiitake and maitake.
One interesting study looked at children 3-6 years old, who had recurrent respiratory infections and were given 10gm of oyster mushrooms daily. 70% of the children had a 50% reduction in colds, tonsillitis, influenza, and ear infections.
Training Your Immune System
The immune system is divided into 2 responses: the innate immune system and the acquired immune system. The innate immune system is the first line of defence and it acts quickly. It can be as simple as a physical barrier like skin or cough reflex or eye tearing up to remove foreign objects. It can be a cellular response as well such as destroying a pathogen like a sore throat before you get ill. The innate immune response has an important role to play in the first 7 days of an infection. This immune system can be trained, and consuming mushrooms is a very effective way of doing this.
The acquired immune response is also known as the adaptive immune response which we acquire for a specific virus or pathogen. This is a slower response. The first time a body encounters a new pathogen the body manufactures antibodies so in the future it can recognize it as harmful and mount a quicker response. Acquired immunity can be due to previous infections, from a vaccine or passed from a mother to her baby through the placenta or breast milk.
Mushrooms support the innate immune system by contributing Beta- glucans to the diet. These unique nutrients cannot be made by our bodies and can only be acquired if we consume them. Mushrooms have a cumulative effect and therefore need to be consumed regularly. The immune effects can last several weeks to several months after discontinued. Mushrooms can be taken in supplement form and each of the medicinal mushrooms has specific effects. Some of these mushrooms are not eaten as they are woody or bitter, so they are consumed in teas or pills. It is important the mushrooms are grown in an organic and non-toxic way and tested for contaminants. I find companies that are using organic methods and growing the correct species, listing the proper chemical components, and packaging in therapeutic dosages.
To recap, some of the benefits of eating mushroom regularly are improved energy, mental ability, improving innate immunity, lung and kidney function as well as blood sugar regulation and heart health. You can improve and strengthen your immune system simply by adding mushrooms to your diet or supplement program. So very simple, so let's get started today.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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New Office & Visiting Protocol
Number 32 August 2020
I have good news. I am excited to announce opening my new office for acupuncture treatments starting the first week in August.
My office is in Albany at 1498 Solano Ave at Curtis. It's a small office so I will only see one person at a time. Office days are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The office is located on the ground floor and has wheelchair access. There is street parking on Curtis.
New Office Procedures
I don't have a waiting room, so when you arrive for your appointment, I'll ask you to call or text me from your car and we will do our intake interview. When you come into the office I will take your temperature with a contactless infrared thermometer. Then you can use the bathroom if needed, remove your shoes, wash your hands, and I'll get you right on the treatment table and put the needles in. I want to limit our face-to-face time so that you can have a treatment, relax and feel safe.
I will wear medical scrubs. Of course we will both wear masks. I have a HEPA-rated air filter for the treatment room to filter the air for allergens, germs, and viruses 4x per hour. Once the needles are in I will leave you to rest and listen to music if you like.
A Work in Progress
I've been thinking about how best to implement the safety protocols for some time, and I realize this is a work in progress. I think I've found the perfect space to practice. All the surfaces are washable and I have a protocol for cleaning in-between patients. Lucky for me that I love to clean things. I will change sheets between patients, but I will ask you to bring your own blanket. I've covered my pillows in plastic so they can be wiped down, and I will cover them with the sheet.
I will have a Covid-19 test before I start work just to be sure I'm virus free. I have self-isolated during the shelter in place and I have remained healthy.
I will have to raise my treatment fees because of all the extra safety protocols as well as the added time between patients. I never like to rush, but I will be mindful of my time. I've allowed 1 ½ hours per patient, but I will need at least 15 minutes to disinfect surfaces between patients.The new fee for an acupuncture treatment is $120.
To minimize face-to-face contract, I will ask you to have your check partially written out, and have an idea when you might want to schedule your next appointment. If you know you need supplements I can have those ready for you. We can do this by phone from your car before you come into the office. Please wear clean clothes and a clean mask. I'll be using a disposable mask. I know this is a quite different procedure during these difficult times, and I welcome your comments and suggestions.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Reopening and a New Office
Number 31 July 2020
I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and active. It's been such a long time since I have seen you and I am missing my opportunities to join you on your healthy healing journeys.
21-Day Purification Cleanse Group via Zoom
I have been sheltering in place for the last 3 months. I have continued to consult over the phone, order herbs and supplements, and I have just completed my first zoom 21 Day Purification Cleanse Group. The Cleanse group was fantastic, and I have to applaud this group for taking up the challenge of doing a cleanse during this stressful time. They were awesome. I will offer cleanses via Zoom in the future as it made it so easy for people all over the country to join and participate in the group.
New Office Space
In addition, I am looking at new office space that will make me feel safe and have the best chance of keeping you safe when you choose to see me in person. Something on the ground floor is my preference to avoid the steps of my prior office. I am actively looking at office space in the same general location where I have been practicing for over 30 years. For me I need to have a space that I can keep as clean and safe as possible for both you and me. I have been thinking about this a lot and discussing safety protocols with my like-minded colleagues. I will follow the CDC guidelines and other health department recommended safety protocols until conditions change during the new normal imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rules for in Person Visits
First of all, I will not be able to see anyone who is ill, and I will take each person's temperature on arrival. Everyone needs to wear a mask. I will personally take a Covid-19 test before I go back to work. There are free tests sites all over the Bay Area or you can do it through your doctor and insurance.
I will only be able to see one person at a time and I will need time to disinfect surfaces between each patient. That will make for long days and I will need everyone to be on time and leave on time. I have always enjoyed a leisurely pace but it is clear to me if I am going to make a go of this financially I will have to be careful with my timing. I will ask you not to come to my door before I have a conversation with you from your car after you park. We can do most of your check in from a safe distance, and when you come into the office, we will go directly into the treatment room, after hand washing, and onto the table. I will take your pulse and look at your tongue, place the needles at the appropriate points, and then leave you so that our contact in a small space is brief.
I'm thinking that I will want you to bring your own blanket and possibly a pillow, as I won't have individual ones that I have to launder after each patient. I will launder all sheets after each use. I think those are enough details for now, and I know I will have other protocols as we move forward with reopening my practice. Please let me know, if there other procedures that would make you feel safe? I miss you all so much and look forward to seeing you soon.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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New and Improved Detoxification Cleanse Group Starting Soon
Number 30 May 2020
I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and well. If you are sheltering in place or are working in essential services I know you are challenged to make life as normal yet safe as possible. Many of you have talked to me about the challenges of being too close to the refrigerator or just eating more treats. These are stressful times and we may be using too much food or the wrong types of food as comfort. I count myself in this group so I have decided to offer my 21 Day Detoxification Cleanse as an online group. Those of you who have done my cleanses in the past have enjoyed the support, ideas and recipes of the other members and I think doing our group meetings online is a great way to get going on the spring cleansing while we are still in a SIP (shelter in place) mode. Even if weight loss is not a goal the detoxification process still has many health benefits.
New and Improved Cleanse
I'm changing up the nutrients in this cleanse as I have learned about some new dynamic products that I know will help our bodies cleanse at a deeper level and help our immune systems be as strong and prepared as possible for the coming months. We will use two protein powders, a liquid herb formula, a charcoal powder and a whole food fiber.
The process of digestion normally produces toxins which our bodies convert, capture and excrete through a complicated process. Under normal circumstances this can be difficult and during periods of stress even more complicated. Doing a detoxification cleanse using nutrients that up-regulate (enhance) the detox pathways as well as supplementing the diet with a high protein powder, extra fiber and greens helps the body accomplish this in a gentle manner.
If you're wondering what a cleanse is, I describe it as a pause in the “anything goes” eating plan. It is based on eating fresh vegetables and fruits plus clean sources of protein. The additional nutrients supplement the plan with booster herbs and vitamins that help improve the body's detoxification pathways.
See the Results
After just 21 days my patients tell me they have more energy, have started losing weight, are less anxious and sleeping better. Food cravings lesson considerably. Skin conditions improve, and body and joint pain are relieved. Clients have even told me their memory improves.
The cost of the cleanse is $425 and includes a cleanse guide booklet, protein powders, liquid herb supplement, whole food fiber and charcoal powders as well as 4 group meetings over the 21 day cleanse. I intend to do the weekly meetings with Zoom so that we can all talk and share our experiences, and recipes, during the meeting.
I would like to start Thursday June 4, 2020 meeting at 11 AM and then June 11, June 18 and June 25.The first meeting will be the longest but depending on how many people attend the meetings will last about an hour. If you are interested and would like to join you can email me to reserve your place. Then send a check to Susan Wallace 663 Grizzly Peak Blvd, Berkeley, CA 94708.
Office News
Due to the covid-19 shut down my work colleagues and I have had to let our office space go. I do not know when it will be safe for me to return seeing patients but I am looking for office space preferably in a similar location near my last office, West Berkeley, Albany or El Cerrito. If you know of any suitable spaces for rent please let me know. I would really like an office on ground level so it's easier for my patients to access. I know something will turn up and I will keep your posted.
In the meantime, if you need refills of your herbs or nutrients I can have them drop shipped to you. I'm also available for phone consultations and I would love for you to join me for the Spring 2020 21 Day Detoxification Cleanse.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
Keep Your Appointment with a Phone Consultation or Video Chat
Number 29 March 2020
Since I can't give any of my wonderful patients an acupuncture treatment, I did want to let you know how I can help you during this stressful time. We can set up a phone consultation or video chat. We would discuss your current health issues and go over what you are doing to protect yourself.
I am converting all previously scheduled appointments to phone appointments. I encourage you to keep your appointment by phone for now if you are already scheduled for an in-person visit. It allows me to see how you are doing, assess any health care questions you may have and it allows me to continue to serve you.
I can also prescribe herbs and nutrients, and have these drop shipped to your homes. You can call or email me and we will set up an appointment time. The charges are based on time, and we can agree on an estimate time at the beginning of the call. My rate for a phone consultation is $40 per 15-minute session, $80 for 30 minutes and so on.
These are the things I'm doing to best serve my health.
Besides my normal eating well and getting enough sleep, I'm on my regular schedule. I get up at my normal time, I get dressed as if I was going to work, I eat my breakfast as I always do. Knowing what you are doing, having a plan, a schedule is reassuring. It keeps me calm.
I get exercise everyday by walking in my neighborhood. Getting outside produces the melatonin that helps us sleep. Melatonin is also known to strengthen the immune system. The fresh air is also good for us. We breathe more deeply, and this clears and strengthens the lungs. It is also allowing me to greet my neighbors (at a safe distance) and to receive good wishes. I am starting interval training on my stationary bike today. This is taking the place of my gym workout. If you haven't been exercising start with a little. If you tend to go all out with exercise maybe back off a little.
I do a daily meditation practice. Studies show that one week of daily meditation increases immunoglobulin in the body by as much as 118%. Getting into a calm state effects our immune systems. The free app Insight Timer has lots of guided meditations and many simple breathing practices if you need ideas.
I'm taking the news in doses. I don't watch TV during the day and I don't have the news on constantly. We can trigger a past trauma by keeping our mental state on high alert by listening to the news all the time. This effects our immune system. Stay informed but allow for breaks from the constant steam of scary news updates. You can get a good summary at the beginning and end of the day by going online and reading a trusted news source. I'm listening to music.
Prevention is not a popular topic but if you have been my patient I know you are interested. Think of all the good ways you take care of yourself and keep it up.
If you're feeling down reach out to one of your friends. We are not social distancing but physically distancing. I have the time to be more social than I usually am and it's very rewarding and enjoyable. I'm also taking the time to express gratitude for the health I do have, for the foresight of the state of California to put protective measures in place; for all the kindnesses people are extending to our fellow beings, for the break the environment is experiencing as we power down and shrink our footprint. I'm also so grateful our hospitals are not being overwhelmed because we are following infectious disease protocols. May all those who have to be in contact with others stay healthy.
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
Best Ways to Stay Safe in Dealing with Covid 19
Number 28 March 2020
Because of my experience with treating patients who have been sick in the past, I routinely follow basic precautions such as hand washing and frequent changes of linen and cleaning surfaces. In our office we are following the CDC guidelines in the hopes of keeping us all healthy. Since there are so many uncertainties with the current status of Covid 19 transmission I would like to institute a few basic protocols for all of us.
Viral onset. If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, have a fever or just have a little tickle in the back of the throat, please reschedule. Early cancellation is better but last minute is fine. If you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus please do not come into the clinic for 14 days.
Hand washing. When you arrive, we both will engage in a good bout of hand washing. After the session, my washing is mandatory; yours is encouraged.
As more of the story unfolds it will be clearer how to proceed. If any of you have further concerns or ideas on how you can be more comfortable, please let me know.
Now, how do we proceed in the world? What can we do to help ourselves have the best chance of staying healthy?
1. Eat nutritious food. Fresh vegetables both raw and cooked. All the colors of the rainbow will insure you get a wide variety of nutrients. Think about making two different soups at one time then you can freeze part of each batch and have some variety now and later. Eating fermented foods helps strengthen our digestion but also makes cofactors that strengthen our immune systems.
2. Get some exercise. The more fit you are the stronger your immune system will be. Exercise will also help you relax and sleep will be improved. Playing a sport or walking in nature can take your mind off the news about the coronavirus.
3. Stay hydrated by drinking filtered drinking water. When our throat and tissues dry out our bodies are more susceptible. If you don't have a water filter now is a great time to get one. I recommend the Multipure Drinking Water Filters. They have a lifetime warranty and you only change the cartridge once per year. Drinking warming herb teas are a traditional winter practice. Teas with cinnamon and ginger are particularly good. Cooked grains are filled with water and also help us stay hydrated.
4. Get more rest. With the recent Spring Forward time change you may be tempted to stay up later. Go to bed earlier. Get at least 8 hours of sleep, learn to nap.
5. If you can take herbs. There are many immune stimulating formulas that I recommend. We need to strengthen both our innate and acquired immune systems. I take a special Echinacea formula twice a day. Astragulus is another fantastic herb for building the immune system and medicinal mushrooms like Shitake are also very powerful. There are also Chinese formulas like Yin Chao San and Gan Mao Ling that can help reverse the beginnings of an upper respiratory illness.
6.The Vitamins A, C, D, and Zinc will help strengthen our immune systems. The foods that contain these nutrients are grass fed butter, pasture raised chicken and eggs,wild fish, grass-fed organ meats, oysters, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and all the colorful fruits and vegetables.
7. Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymph system to clear out all the cellular trash. This is a simple technique using a natural bristle brush and gently brushing the skin. I can teach you this technique.
8. Nasal rinsing helps protect and cleanse the nasal tissue. You can use a simple salt water spray or neti pot. This should be done gently and not used during a cold.
9. 4-7-8 Breathing is a great way to calm our minds. Many of you have already learned to use this technique and enjoy the benefits. Whether you meditate, pray tap or use artistic pursuits use tools to calm your mind and body in healthy ways.
10. The websites for WHO, Johns Hopkins and CDC give up to date information. I can also recommend a recent blog post from Elsia Song MD, a pediatrician that has all
the scientific and practical information about Covid 19 as of March 5, 2020.
World Health Organization Website
Elsa Song MD Pediatrician health blog
In Health,
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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What's the Gut Got to do With
Number 27 October 2019
Greetings. When I think about the cornerstones of health, I
always start with inspecting four things: Digestion, Sleep,
Exercise and Stress. All four areas of health work together
to promote optimum health. We all know how well we feel
when we have had a good night's sleep or have had some
exercise that lifts our mood or gives us a burst of energy. If
our digestion is off, the positive effects of sleep and
exercise are diminished. We also feel more stress due to
poor digestion.
Digestion. When I think about digestion, I look at how the
foods we are eating effect our health and how well we are
absorbing and utilizing what we do eat. Digestion has such
far reaching consequences that a skin condition or a
hormone imbalance can be effected by what we eat.
Getting enough fiber in our diets effects how well our
bowels work not only in terms of preventing constipation,
but how well our body is able to manufacture certain B
vitamins and absorb minerals. It gets complicated, but there
are many herbs and healthy practices as well as
acupuncture that address digestive issues often better than
western conventional medications.
Not to get into too many details but a recent study showed
that patients with SIBO, small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth, were getting more improvement from 4 weeks
of herbal therapy than 4 weeks of the western antibiotic
treatment. This isn't taking into account dietary and
lifestyle modifications. Herbal treatments are like adding
very powerful foods to the diet. There are about 200 foods
that are included in the human diet and over 2,000 herbs
that are used for human health. When we combine food
with herbs we have a dynamic combination.
Fabulous Fall Cleanse. Most of you know I encourage people
to do a "cleanse" at least once a year. Most of my clients
are amazed with the positive results as well as how easy it
can be. Of course time and effort is required, but if you are
not feeling well and you can make a commitment to modify
your diet for 28 days, then you too can explore the
benefits of dietary cleansing.
Iam setting up a cleanse group to start October 21 so that
we can be finished before the holidays. You can join the
group or participate on your own with my support and reap
many benefits of my Fabulous Fall Cleanse 2019. If you're
interested or have questions, let me know by email or
phone and we will get started.Five Mondays: Oct 21, 28
and Nov 4, 11, and 18.
The cleanse price includes a protein powder tailored to your
particular issues, herbal and dietary supplements as well as
food lists and healthy practices documents.
2 Packages to Choose From:
1. Group Cleanse - 5 weekly group meetings as well as the
cleanse supplements and protein powder plus email
support. Cost $495.
2. Individual Cleanse- 5 week program includes weekly phone
consultation as well as cleanse supplements, protein
powder and educational hand-outs. Cost $595.
I will discuss the following frequently asked questions in
addition to your questions:
What are the approved foods?
Will I be able to lose weight?
Do you provide a shopping list, so we can plan our
Do you have recipes that I can follow?
What ready-to-eat foods can I purchases during the
How do I deal with caffeine withdrawal?
Is there a printed program guide I can follow?
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
Download the 1 Degree of Change Cookbook
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Stay Stress Free for the Holidays
Number 26 November 2018
Greetings. It's been such a fast-paced and hectic year it's hard to believe that the winter holidays are upon us. If you are in the storm or fire areas, you may be experiencing health issues that are compounded by the environmental destruction as well as the stress of loss. These are huge challenges and having some simple strategies will help you persevere.
The Basics
First, consider the basic needs of nutritious foods, enough rest and getting some exercise. In Berkeley, due to the heavy smoke from the Paradise fires, we have not gone outside for the last 10 days unless necessary. And we have an air purfier filter inside the house. Until the smoke clears, when you have to go outdoors, use a mask. Drinking extra water helps the body remove toxins and it also has a calming effect. Start the day with a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. I recommend using a water filter to insure the you drink the purest water. Multipure Water Filters continue to be the best in the marketplace. I can help you find the one that fits your needs.
It is the Fall/Winter season and in Chinese Medicine each season is connected to an organ. The lungs and large intestine are the organs of the Autumn. These organs eliminate waste and circulate our Qi. They also promote and develop our immune system. Eating foods that have white in the centers like turnips and rutabagas, radishes, mushrooms, potatoes, apples and pears all help nourish the lungs and large intestine. Warming spices like ginger, garlic and onions are also helpful.
I use an infuser with essential oils that help strengthen the immune system and are antibacterial and antiviral. I especially like black spruce and pine for the lungs and lavender and rose for relaxation.
Think about how much sleep you are getting. Try getting to bed earlier so that you can get more rest. Use the 4-7-8 breathing exercise before you go to bed and it will help you relax and fall asleep. Four breaths in, hold for a count of 7, and slowly let it out to the count of 8. Repeat as needed. A meditation or gratitude practice is also helpful for ending the day on a relaxing note.
During this time of year, we tend to add activities to our schedules. I find focusing on the things I like about the winter holiday season helps me manage the more challenging issues. Are these things enjoyable? Are they fulfilling? If they are not boosting your energy and bringing you pleasure is there a way that you can refocus your priorities? What are the things that you like about the holidays? What are the things you could do without? Do you like to try new things or are you wanting to stay with your traditions?
Exercise is also very important. Since I am a gardener and a walker getting exercise in my smoke-filled environment has been tough. I've been doing more stretching and have been doing “the conductor exercise to help my lungs”. Click on this link. You can do this standing or sitting, and you raise your arms to shoulder height and swing your arms crisscrossing in front of you. It doesn't have to be fast and you can vary the height of your arms and do it behind your back as well as over your head. Just a few minutes helps. This is very good for the lungs and the lymph system. The lymph is the system that removes the trash from all the cellular functions and it requires movement in order to function optimally.
2019 Cleanse Group
Finally, I've chosen a date to start the January 2019 cleanse. A detox after our fires will be a focus. We will begin Monday evening January 7 and meet the next 4 Mondays. I'm introducing a new cleanse this year and it is an improved version of previous cleanses. There are no pills with this cleanse and the protein powder has a pleasant chai flavor. The cost for the cleanse products and the classes is $295.00. Space is limited so sign up now to hold your spot.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Spring is a Great Time to do a Cleanse & Release the Toxins
Number 25 April 2018
Greetings. It's Spring and I'd like to invite you to do my Spring 2018 21-Day Purification Cleanse. I encourage my patients to do a cleanse once a year, and the spring is a wonderful time for this. All the new greens that are in the markets are so good for cleansing the liver, and many more fresh foods are appearing daily. We may have been eating foods through the winter that are causing us to feel weighed down and the spring is a good time to fine tune our digestion with fresh foods.
This is not a juice fast or colon cleanse that may leave you depleted. The program is convenient and easy to follow. The 21-Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder which gives the digestion a clean and easy-to-digest source of nutrition. Additional protein comes from lentils, chicken, grass fed beef and wild fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements that are taken with your meals. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
Look forward to more energy, less joint pain, better sleep, clearer skin, healthier digestion, improved mood, and even some weight loss. The most frequent comment from participants has been, "I can't believe how easy it was!"
The Spring 2018 21-Day Purification Cleanse will begin Monday May 7, 2018 and we will meet in the evening in my office each week for the four sessions. May 7, May14, May 21 and May 28. The cost for the cleanse is $325 and this covers the classes, cleanse products, cleanse guide and cookbook.
Come to the Open House April 30th
I will be holding an open house on Monday April 30 at 7:00 PM at my office for anyone who is interested in the cleanse, but has questions or concerns. If you or someone you know is interested but has not committed yet, come to this meeting and I will provide an overview of the class and answer any questions you may have.
I will discuss the following frequently asked questions in addition to your questions:
- What are the approved foods?
- Will I be able to lose weight?
- Do you provide a shopping list, so we can plan our meals?
- Do you have recipes that I can follow?
- What ready-to-eat foods can I purchases during the cleanse?
- How do I deal with caffeine withdrawal?
- Is there a printed program guide I can follow?
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
Download the 1 Degree of Change Cookbook
Too Many Fun Foods can be Hazardous to Your Health
Number 24 February 2018
It's a new year and if you are thinking about getting healthier, I have the perfect program for you. I just love to do the 21 Day Detoxification Cleanse group since it has helped many of my patients and friends to detox their system, feel so much better, and learn to lead a better life through healthier eating.
I'd like you to consider joining my cleanse group in February.
Too Many Fun Foods can be Hazardous to Your Health
If you were exposed to the smoke from fires this fall, or indoor allergens from pets or outdoor pollens, or you just have been eating way more fun foods during holidays and the Super Bowl, then the 21-day cleanse will help you get back on track, health wise.
Cleansing, in my terminology, is eating a whole foods diet while supplementing with specifically formulated nutrients that help the body release toxins and excrete them from the body.
The liver is the major detoxification organ. All our blood is filtered by passing through the liver. The liver absorbs and excretes what our bodies can't use and, in this way, keeps our digestive process happy and functioning properly. The liver produces bile which allows us to digest fats and it produces glutathione which is the most abundant antioxidant that our bodies use.
The digestive system is also an important part of the detoxification process. 80% of our immune cell are made and reside in the gut. If your digestive system is not working smoothly, you will compromise your immune systems, and your body will be sluggish at detoxifying what it needs to remove. This leaves your body overloaded with toxins that are stored in your fat cells, which makes you feel tired and leads to weight gain that is hard to get rid of.
"I can't believe how easy it was."
Many patients report more energy, less bloating, improved skin, better sleep, less anxiety, less joint pain, and even weight loss. The most frequent comment has been, “I can't believe how easy it was.”
The program includes the nutirtion products, cleanse guide with recipes, and the 4 group meetings. To reserve your space, send or drop off a check. If you have any questions, please e-mail or call me. Or you can stop by my office on February 13 at 7:00pm as I will discuss the cleanse program in detail and answer questions and concerns.
Group dates: February 20, 27 and March 6, 13
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00p
Cost: $295
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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New Office
and December Stress-Free Holiday Special
Number 23 November 2017
Finally, Fall is finally here and I'm busy sorting through my office preparing to move into my new office space around the corner. I'll be moving December 1, 2017 to 1172 San Pablo Ave Berkeley, CA 94706. I'm moving into an existing office with 2 acupuncture colleagues and a massage therapist. It's a beautiful office and I am so pleased to be welcomed into such a splendid group of women healers. The parking is better as there is street parking that is not timed and there is parking at the nearby MacDonald's or at the new Sprouts Market
Stress-free holidays
The holiday season is upon us and many people find this time of year stressful. In Traditional Chinese Medicine we believe this is the time to rest and reflect. We should be sleeping longer hours and eating simple warming foods and storing up energy for the spring renewal. The Holiday season can be very destabilizing, and this is the plight of modern western civilization. Acupuncture can help by giving you a respite from your busy schedule, and allow the body to rest and rejuvenate. So come in for an acupuncture treatment and get energized.
December Stress-Free Holiday Special
As a special quick, stress-reducer and energy boost, I'm offering a short 30-minute acupuncture session for $35. It will help you settle your mind and allow your immune system to work more efficiently. It will ground your nervous system, and allow your body to feel both relaxed and rejuvenated.
Toxins from the fires
If you were engulfed with smoke from the recent fires, you know what a toll it can take on your health. Many patients have already experienced colds and breathing problems. The problem is that it's not just wood smoke, but toxins from all the houses and cars that have been incinerated that we may have inhaled. Eating a healthy diet, filled with fresh vegetables, and fruit as well as drinking clean water is a good start because your body is designed to detoxify external pollutants. However, your system can be overwhelmed due to the sheer amount of toxic substances that have been released. Here is a link to an article about this very topic. The article looks at research into using a substance made from broccoli sprouts to boost the detoxification pathways. This is also one of the benefits of my 21-Day Purification Cleanse. I will begin a new cleanse group in January 2018 starting Wednesday January 17. Save the date.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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My Next Cleanse Group Starts October 30, 2017 Multipure Provides Clean Water to Puerto Rico I'm Moving My Office
Number 22 October 2017
Cleanse Group Starts October 30, 2017
It's Fall and a great time to prepare for the winter cold and flu season. It's also important for those of us exposed to the environmental stresses of the recent fires and floods as well as the personal stresses of these uneasy times to consider the 21 Day Purification Cleanse. This is a quick and easy way to get on track with the best eating plan for your health and wellbeing. If you have fatigue, digestive problems, allergies, food cravings, sleep issues, anxiety or pain this program can help you. You can even lose some unwanted weight and get set for a healthy holiday season.
The 21 Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements that are taken with your meals. A cleanse guide and cookbook is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful. Cost is $295.
Multipure Supports Hurricane Victims
For those of you who have a Multipure Water filter I wanted to let you know about the humanitarian aid that the company has been providing both in Flint, Michigan and Puerto Rico. See Facebook page. This week Multipure went to Puerto Rico with special water filtration equipment to install a"water box" to provide clean and safe drinking water on the island. This is part of Multipure's charitable Pure Foundation program which has been providing free water filters in Flint, Michigan since the city's water contamination in 2015. This system includes the new Aqualux water filter and it will filter any water and purify it to drinking water quality. Clean drinking water is desperately needed in these devastated areas and Multipure is there to help. The Aqualux Filter removes all the contaminants that your current Multipure Filter reduces but is NSF certified for Bacteria and Virus treatment. If you would like more information to contact me or better yet come to a meeting Saturday, November 4, 2017 in Emeryville, Ca to learn more about Multipure Filters and purchase products. Experts from Multipure will be here to answer all your questions.
I'm Moving My Office
Finally, I want to announce that I am moving my office December 1, 2017. I will now be located at 1172 San Pablo Ave Albany, Ca, close to the new Sprouts Market. I will be moving into an office with two other acupuncturists and one massage therapist. I'm excited about the move and it is just a couple of blocks from my current office. There is plenty of free street parking on San Pablo, nearby streets and at the Sprouts Market parking lot.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The 21-Day Detox Cleanse Group Starts June 5
Number 21 May 2017
Would you like to have more energy, less pain, sleep better, reduce your allergies, and even lose a few pounds as a bonus?
Summer is approaching so it's a great time to join the group and participate in my 21 Day Purification Cleanse. The Summer 2017 Cleanse starts Tuesday June 5, 2017. We are meeting on Tuesday evenings at my office.
The 21 Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided from a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder, and in the whole foods plan from lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements taken with your meals that promote the cleansing process. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
- The 21 Purification Program is a gentle way to give your metabolism and digestive system a rest. Foods that cause inflammation and allergies are eliminated which allows the body more opportunity to detox. Our bodies are naturally designed to cleanse out toxins but in our modern environment our system gets overloaded, and this causes many symptoms including low energy, digestive and sleep problems, joint pain, skin problems, anxiety and weight gain.
- We meet as a group 4 times over the cleanse program to discuss results and challenges, and receive tips on making the program easy, successful and fun.
- At the completion of the 21 Day purification Program I will help you to transition back into your "new" normal diet. You will be able to pinpoint foods that you do not digest well, and are causing some of your health problems.
Many clients report more energy, less bloating, improved skin, better sleep, less anxiety, weight loss and less joint pain. The most frequent comment has been, "I can't believe how easy it was." The cost for the program is $295 and includes the program products, cleanse guide with recipes, and the 4 group meetings. To reserve your space, send or drop off a check. If you have any questions please e-mail or call me.
Cleanse Detail
- Dates: Tuesdays on June 5, 12,19, and 26
- Times: 7:00pm – 8:00pm
- Venue: My office at 1009A Solano Avenue, Berkeley, CA
- Format: group setting; seating is limited.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The New and Improved Cleanse
Number 20 January 2017
The New and Improved Cleanse
It's almost time for the 21 Day Purification Cleanse group to start. I introduced a new and improved version of the cleanse for the group last fall, and it was a big success.
What's New?
- These greens have a Paleo profile; they contain no grains, legumes, alfalfa, corn, gluten, fructose or artificial sweeteners.
- Unlike other greens products, these greens add no fillers or bulking agents.
- The number of pills you need to take has been greatly reduced and the effects are stronger.
- The protein shake with fiber is still the same.
Now that the holidays are over it's a great time to start something new. Many of the cleanse participants are surprised how easy it is to do the cleanse, and are pleased that they are learning new dietary habits. They have been able to incorporate many of the tasty cleanse recipes into their daily cooking regimen. Also, it's great to do the cleanse with a buddy, so if you have a friend or partner that would also like to do this please invite them to participate.
About the Cleanse
The 21 Day Purification cleanse is a gentle whole foods diet. You will be eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, fats and proteins, including grass fed beef, pastured chickens and wild-caught fish. For three weeks, we eliminate the foods that many people are sensitive to and emphasize the foods that are easier to digest and are cleansing. This way we can perk up your energy, increase your focus and begin to improve on chronic health conditions.
Cleanse Group Dates
The cleanse will start Tuesday evening January 31, 2017 in my office. We will have 4 meetings January 31, February 7, February 14, and February 21. The cost is $295 and includes the cleanse products as well as a program booklet and cookbook. You can check out the recipes in the digital version of the cookbook.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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One Day Defined by Generosity
Number 19 December 2016
One Day Defined by Generosity
Today is National Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is not only a movement, but has also been called a "theory of change." Taking place on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, it was created to combat the ever-growing rush of holiday shopping that has begun to eat away at the original concept of the holiday season. In this newsletter, I want to highlight an organization who has been giving back to the community for over 25 years, and where I happen to volunteer. And we need your help.
Has your life been touched by cancer? If you or someone you know has received a cancer diagnosis, it can be a very frightening and difficult time.
Charlotte Maxwell Clinic
I have had the privilege of working at the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic for over 10 years. Charlotte Maxwell Clinic is a state licensed free clinic that provides holistic integrative treatments to low-income women with cancer. All of our therapies and programs are free, and all of our professional providers are volunteering their time and services.
I work one day a month seeing women for acupuncture and herbal formulas, and I spend one evening a month with western doctors and nurses reviewing our client's medical records and determining their needs for treatments and programs at our clinic. We support women in their treatment choices and do work hard to prevent women from blaming themselves for their cancer.
In my time working at Charlotte Maxwell clinic, I have personally treated over 300 women. Not only do I see how much the therapies help our clients through an often exhausting and sometimes painful process, I experience tremendous gratitude and joy from the patients and their families. I am sure I receive as much healing, if not more, than I give. As one client said: "Your kindness and generosity have made my cancer journey much easier. Many times, my contact with your clinic was all I've had to look forward to and I can't tell you how much that has touched me."
Help Support Charlotte Maxwell Clinic
We are supported by donations. And, at this time of year, as people are reviewing their charitable gifts, I would like you to consider making a donation to the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic. You can contribute by clicking on this link to the Donate Now button. I thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have a question about Charlotte Maxwell Clinic, please contact me. Thank you for your support.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Stress Free for the Holidays
Number 18 November 2016
How to be Stress Free for the Holidays
Here we are at the brink of the holiday season and many of you have been through a very stressful presidential election. So, what can we do to help ourselves heal and enjoy this time of year? Develop a greater hope for the future?
First, acknowledge that just by listening to the news this year, we have exposed ourselves to a lot of stressful rhetoric, and we may be feeling ill-equipped to deal with the aftermath. A recent study showed that Americans biggest fear is of other people they don't know. The study also shows that we are healthiest and live longer when we are engaged in our communities, healthier, even, than either eating a good diet or exercising. That's powerful medicine.
This week, I've seen patients who don't know what to do and are exhausted from the election. Well, you need to rest, take the time to recover. Acknowledge how you feel. As the week has moved on, I've watched some of my patients refocus and talk about how they can participate in their community, and work with each other for change. Not just politically, but wanting to make the place where we live a better place for everyone. This is positive motivation and very good for allaying the extreme stress that many of us are feeling. The fact that people can change, and feel they now want to contribute to the greater good is uplifting.
Have a Plan
The first priority is our health and well-being. We need to get enough sleep, and eat well regularly. We need to drink more water, and get some exercise. Make sure you have fun and are able to enjoy the people and activities in your life. Go outside, look at the sky, or the "super" moon this month, play with your pet, hold a baby, hug someone, sing, watch a funny movie, do breathing exercises, or meditate. Schedule an acupuncture appointment, or join my next cleanse group in February.
Next, we need to listen to each other and find out who is in our communities, and what are their thoughts and desires. Find something to do that will bring you into contact with people in your communities. We need to be nicer to each other, especially when driving - ditch the road rage. Practice smiling. It always amazes me how a simple smile from someone makes me smile, and then I feel better. Be conscious of your breath. Use the 4-7-8 breathing exercise. Four breaths in, hold for a count of 7 and slowly let it out for an eight count. Repeat as necessary.
Now, think about the holidays and if that feels stressful then devise a plan to keep you healthy and happy through the next 7 weeks. What aspects of the season do you enjoy? Are there parts of the holidays that you can eliminate? What is important to you about the holiday season? Do you like gathering with people? Do you like to have special food or music? Do you look forward to giving presents? Do you like to put up decorations? Will you travel? When we know what we like about the holidays, then it makes it easier to eliminate the parts that we don't like. This will make for less stress if you make your plans now, and then you will be able to enjoy the parts of the holidays that are much more meaningful to you.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful. Let me know your thoughts and recommendations on this subject.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The 21-Day Purification Cleanse Starts October 22
Number 17 October 2016
Would you like to have more energy, less pain, sleep better, reduce or eliminate your allergies and even lose a few pounds in the process?
Well, then this a great time to participate in my Fall 21-Day Purification Cleanse. Autumn is here and the holidays are getting close which means more rich foods and added pounds. The Fall Cleanse starts Saturday October 22, 2016. We are meeting on four Saturdays at 9:00am in the morning. This way, you're not dealing with traffic, and still have the rest of the day to get your food shopping done and prepare some delicious, fresh foods from our recipe book.
New Products, Easier Compliance
This cleanse, I'm changing the products a bit so there are less pills to take each day. You will still have the same protein powder and fiber, but I'm reducing the number of pills from 21 to 6 per day.
The kit also includes a program handbook/journal and a hardcopy of the cookbook with hundreds of great, tasty recipes. I will also provide samples of approved foods and recipes that I use during the cleanse, including an amazing avocado-key lime pie. You won't belive how good healthy foods, and desserts, can be.
The cost for the program is $295 and includes the nutritional products, cokbook, and the 4 group meetings. To reserve your space, send me a check or drop it off at my office. If you have any questions, please e-mail or call me. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Cleanse Details
Dates: Saturdays on October 22, 29 and November 5 and 12
Times: 9:00am – 10:00am
Venue: My office at 1009A Solano Avenue, Berkeley, CA
Format: group setting; seating is limited.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The 21-Day Purification Cleanse is Back
Number 17 Sept 2016
I'm pleased to announce the new and improved 21 Day Purification Cleanse group starting Saturday, October 22. We will meet 4 times over the 21 Day cycle where you will get evaluated for toxic load and guided to the best practices for you. I will bring in interesting foods for you to sample, share recipes and tips and discuss the many, proven ways to cleanse your system and experience better health.
What greater time to do a cleanse then during the Fall harvest and before the big holiday eating season. If you have ever considered doing a cleanse, or you have health issues like fatigue, anxiety, allergies, joint pain, weight gain or skin problems, then there is a good chance that a cleanse may bring you some relief. I am always amazed how good I feel once I have started the 21 Day Purification Cleanse. Many first-time and repeat cleanse participants tell me they are surprised how easy it really is, and how good they feel when done.
Whole Nutritious Foods Are Key
A cleanse is about eating whole, nutritious foods while taking in specific nutrients that help the body safely release accumulated toxins. You will not be hungry as the food list includes healthy protein sources like pastured chicken, wild fish, grass fed beef, fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy fats like butter and olive oil. As part of the program you will be given a protein shake mix that you prepare with fresh fruits and vegetables, a fiber mix and a greens mix that you add to your shakes and a capsule mix that helps covert the released toxins that we accumulate just living a modern life. You will also receive a cookbook that has lots of great recipes so you can create delicious cleanse meals. I'm already thinking about two of my favorites: Roasted Cauliflower Soup and Avocado Lime Pie with Strawberries. Yum.
I have been doing cleanses since I started my acupuncture practice 30 years ago. I really enjoy helping you do your first cleanse, or help you tweak your cleanse to get the best results. I find that it is especially fun to do this in a supportive group as everyone comes up with good ideas, finds new products and tries new recipes. If you would like to do this with a friend that would be great. If you would like to read more details about cleansing, please read the articles in the cookbook introduction.
Space is limited so let me know. The cost of the cleanse is $295 which includes the 4 group meetings, the protein powder plus the other cleanse products and a beautiful cookbook. You can see a digital version of the cookbook by clicking on the book cover on the left. Contact me to reserve your space, or if you have a question.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Lyme Disease and Ticks
Number 16 May 2016
Recently, I was bitten by a tick. I have lived in California my whole life and have never seen a tick. I've read a lot about tick borne diseases and talked to many friends and patients about Lyme disease, so I was shocked when I pulled 3 ticks off my body last month. I hike and garden in tick territory and know I've been extremely lucky so when I only took a walk in the UC Botanical Garden and then picked a small bouquet of blooming ceanothus from my yard I can't imagine how I got 3 ticks on my body.
I felt the first tick bite me, and I was able to pull it off my arm and save it in a jar. I immediately felt as if I'd been stung by an insect, that sick pain feeling that you may have felt if you react to insect bites or bee stings. Not the allergy reaction where you need emergency treatment just sick. The next morning I found the second one just crawling on my arm and then later that day I found the third one buried in my skin. The third one had to be removed at urgent care as it was dead and impossible to remove in one piece.
Fortunately, I knew I should save the ticks and have them tested. I've been meaning to have test kits for sale in my office, but hadn't done so until now. I was able to get one from my friend and colleague Christine Ceravella. Lyme disease is tricky to diagnose and difficult to treat. In fact conventional testing cannot detect the presence on Lyme antibodies until 4-6 weeks after exposure.
Now there is a new test that can detect Lyme disease in just 4-6 days post infection so that you can get diagnosed and treated fast. At urgent care I was given one large dose of antibiotics as a preventative treatment in case the ticks were carrying Lyme disease. If the ticks tested positive for Lyme or the other 3 co-infections then I would have to do further blood testing. Having a test kit at home or in your car makes it possible to collect a tick and have it tested for the most important pathogens in tick borne diseases.
The Tic-kit includes DNA laboratory assessment for 4 of the most common disease causing microbes carried by ticks including Lyme disease bacteria. Not only does the kit test for Borrelia burdorferi, which is the cause of Lyme but also tests for the many co-infections that can be carried by ticks. These include several Borrelia species, Bartonella, Ehrilichia, and Babesia species. The results of the tick testing will help you determine if further treatment is needed. Of course if you have symptoms which can be flu-like you will want to seek testing and treatment as well.
Unfortunately, the standard lab testing, Western blot often is inaccurate or inconclusive because it only looks for one pathogen. You also lose time waiting 4-6 weeks for antibodies to form before Lyme disease is confirmed and treatment begins. The new iSpotlyme test can detect Lyme disease just 4-6 days post infection so you can start treatment quickly.
The symptoms and effects of Lyme disease are severe and may become chronic if not treated. The Centers for Disease Control estimates 90% of Lyme cases go unreported. If you have a question about tick-borne diseases including Lyme's, or wish to purchase a Tic-Kit, contact me. The Tic-Kit is good for hikers, gardeners, campers and children playing.
Spring 21-Day Cleanse Starts Next Monday
You still have time to sign up for my Spring 2016 21-Day Purification Cleanse which starts Monday May 23, 2016. This is a great opportunity to get a jump on summer energy. There are so many fresh spring foods that are in the markets and starting some new habits helps us prepare for an active summer. Join me now.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The Benefits of a Cleansing Practice
Number 15 May 2016
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. The liver is a major detoxifying organ. If it is not working efficiently, we deposit excess toxins into our fat cells which is not sustainable for good health.
The 2016 spring 21-Day Purification Cleanse will begin Monday May 23, 2016 and we will meet in the evening in my office each week for the four sessions. May 23, May30, June 6 and June 13.
The 21-Day Purification Cleanse, that I lead three times a year, is a great opportunity to make some changes in your food consumption and dietary habits. It is a whole foods diet with added protein in the form of a protein powder made from either rice or whey. The cleanse stresses the importance of fresh whole foods over processed foods. We meet as a group 4 times over the 21 days and we discuss the process of cleansing, how your body may react, and the benefits when complete.
The most common remark from participants is, "I didn't realize how easy it would be"
Many people experience more energy, improved digestion, less headaches, better sleep, less joint pain, weight loss and clearer skin. Participants have also decreased their medications due to improved blood sugar, decreased blood pressure or decreased pain. The cost of the program is $295 which includes the protein powder and additional supplements as well as the 21-Day cleanse program guide and cookbook.
I will be holding an open house on Monday May 16 at 7:30 PM at my office for anyone who is interested in the cleanse, but has questions or concerns. If you or someone you know is interested, but has not committed yet, come to this meeting, and I will provide an overview of the class and answer any questions you may have.
I will discuss the following topics in addition to your questions:
- What are the approved foods?
- Do I provide a shopping list so we can plan our meals?
- Do I have recipes that you can follow?
- What ready-to-eat foods can I purchases during the cleanse?
- How do I deal with caffeine and sugar withdrawal?
- Is there a printed program guide I can follow?
Let me know if you are interested, as I will be limiting the size of the group, to better provide everyone with individual attention.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Flint, Michigan Water Crisis
Number 14 March 2016
I know all of you have heard about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. 100, 000 people drank contaminated water for 18 months. Yuck! The physical effects on those unsuspecting residents will last a lifetime. However, if they had a Multipure Water Filter they and their families would have been protected.
Multipure has been manufacturing water filters for over 40 years and continues to have the top certifications from independent testing companies like NSF International. Not only does Multipure remove lead, it removes over 100 contaminants. As of 2015, Multipure is the only water filter that removes pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drugs and hormones from the water supply. Multipure filters offer the guarantee that your water will be safe to drink.
What happened in Flint could happen in any city that uses municipal water. The authorities were slow to act and now thousands of people now have lead poisoning symptoms. The effects are particularly harmful to children and infants. Many municipal water pipes in the United States are over 100 years old and cities do not have money to replace them. The pipes often contain lead and asbestos. When Flint switched from Detroit water to water from the Flint River as a cost savings plan the chemical differences between the two water sources used caused lead and other chemicals to leach out of the pipes. When brown water came through the residents pipes they were told by the authorities that the water was perfectly safe to drink. Many water and blood tests proved otherwise. The water wasn't safe and it took 18 months before this was made public.
5 parts of lead per billion gallons of water is enough to cause damage to the body. Levels of 25 to 100 PPB were detected in the residents of Flint. Lead poisoning in children causes irreversible brain damage. In adults, lead can cause damage to the heart and bones, as well as cancer and other serious health problems. This is just one of 100's of contaminants we have heard about over the years. Once the authorities inform us that the water is dangerous to drink the damage has already happened. Multipure takes the worry out of wondering what's in your water. It is also one of the most cost effective filters on the market. It costs about 9-10 cents per gallon. The filter is replaced once per year and the filter housing has a lifetime warranty.
If you have friends or family members that need a water filter please refer them to me. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. I've attached documents that shows the quality of Multipure versus other filters, performance results from NSF/ANSI and two articles on the problem with tap water in the US..
Multipure Performance Sheet
Consumer Digets Water Filter Ratings
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Meet the New Office Member
Number 13 January 2016
Happy New Year. I hope 2016 is a healthy and happy year for you.
Good news. I want to introduce our new baby cockatiel, Percy*. He's 6 months old and leaning all kinds of tricks and I'm learning how to keep him from chewing on everything. Right now he's helping me write this newsletter while trying to chew on the computer keyboard, the table, my glasses, and my sweater zipper. He'll have to go back to his cage where he has a ton of toys both on the inside and outside. He's a busy guy, very sweet, a little shy. He likes people and he loves broccoli. Go figure. I'll be introducing Percy to the office gradually so you can look forward to meeting him soon.
The 21-Day Purification Cleanse
The 21-Day Purification Cleanse starts soon. If you haven't signed up please do as I have a few slots left. The cost is $295 and includes the cleanse products; protein powder, 2 different whole food and herb cleanse capsules, a whole food fiber, a workbook and a new cookbook plus the 4 group cleanse classes.
I will have an introductory meeting on Monday January 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM at my office to introduce what cleansing is, why there is a need for it and answer any questions you might have. It's always great to participate in a cleanse with a group, so think about inviting a friend and doing it together. I get excited about the cleanse even though I have to eliminate some of the foods I love. I always try new foods and recipes, my energy and sleep improve and I even lose a few pounds.
The cleanse starts Monday February 1, 2016 and we will start by taking some body measurements and filling out a questionnaire. During the first meeting, we will go over the kit products and the list of foods that you can eat. We will meet 4 times during the 21 Day Purification Cleanse. February 1, 8, 15, 22.
If you want to join us let me know by phone or e-mail and reserve your spot by sending me a check for $295.
* His full name is Percy Jackson, Lightning Thief.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Protect Your Bones for Better Health
Number 12 December 2015
De-Stress the Holidays
If you are the person who is in charge of holidays for others, then I'm writing to you. I notice many of my patients end up exhausted in December because they are in charge of everything, for everyone, and it's too much. I have some tips for stress-free holidays.
First decide what is important to you. Do you like your holidays to be fun or relaxing? Is it gathering with people you love? Do you prefer the music or decorations or food? Being out and about or staying home? Do you like to cook or make things?
Focus on what you like and simplify everything else. For instance, I love Christmas decorations and I have a lot, too many. This year I'm just going to focus on a Christmas tree and nothing else in my house. I will go out and look at beautifully decorated streets and houses and shops and enjoy what others have created. That will be fun and relaxing. I don't like to be out in traffic or big crowds so I will go out very early on the weekends to look at shop windows and walk through hotel lobbies in San Francisco. Then I'll go for a hike or head to the beach. When I go out at night to look at lights I wait until after traffic has settled down then I don't get frustrated being stuck in traffic. My guests can enjoy this with me too.
Stay Refreshed
Plan a restorative activity for yourself. Get away from the chores and do something that you enjoy. Maybe going to the movies will do this; or taking a walk. Read a book. Meet a friend for coffee. What will be the most relaxing for you?
Take a moment at the end of your day to reflect on "what went well"; this is a simple exercise to end your day on a positive note and set the tone for restful sleep. Also, this time of year, it is a good time to plan to get extra sleep, which gives you more energy to deal with stress. One of the best things to do is plan to get an acupuncture treatment as soon as you can after all the holiday activity subsides. And, schedule in some recuperative downtime. Get a massage. I use Massage for Moms to get me un-kinked and feel rejuvinated.
Healthy Eating, Healthy Body for 2016
Join my 21-Day Purification Cleanse starting in January 2016. Start the year with a healthy eating plan and improve your energy, mood and digestion. Many of my past participants tell me how surprised they are that it is so easy to do the 21-Day Purification Cleanse. If you have a question about the cleanse, please contact me.
Pre-cleanse information night: January 25 at 7:00pm at my office.
Meetings: February 1, 8, 15, 22
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Protect Your Bones for Better Health
Number 11 October 2015
Build Stronger Bones for Life
First of all, I want to make it clear that the topic of protecting our bones is complicated which causes lots of differing opinions. If the jury was in agreement, we wouldn't be so confused. So what do we know?
We grow our bones into our early 20's and then our bones start to slowly deteriorate as we age. A nutrient dense, low sugar diet can protect our bones. Exercise that builds muscle strengthens our bones.
The best defense is weight bearing exercise. However excessive weight bearing will contribute to osteoarthritis which is the wear and tear on the joints and causes pain and therefore cause us to stop weight bearing exercise. What is excessive? It is very individual but the latest findings are that short bursts of aerobic activities are more joint and bone protective and just as beneficial for the heart and lungs as long periods of aerobic exercise. Strength training also called lifting weights is important as well. It builds muscles which strengthens the bones.
Our bones need minerals and protein in order to be safeguarded. Our diets can help feed and protect our bones. Vegetables, good protein and bone broths are the place to start.
A diet high in sugars, grains and other carbohydrates weaken the bones. Sugar acidifies the body forcing calcium out of the bones and into the blood to alkalize the body. The biggest acid forming foods are sugar, coffee, alcohol and grains, dairy and processed meats.
The biggest alkalizing foods are vegetables especially dark green ones and those of the cabbage family. Those vegetables are Arugula, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Horseradish, Kale, Mustard Greens, Radishes, Rutabagas, and Watercress. We need adequate vitamin D and K2 in order for the minerals, especially Calcium to work.
Our digestion needs to be working well in order for the nutrients to be digested and available for building bones. That means we need adequate stomach acid and digestive enzymes to break down the nutrients into usable form.
Essential Nutrients That Promote Bone Health.
Calcium. Now calcium is a rock so it's not that easy to digest. We need stomach acid in the form of hydrochloric acid, HCL in order for it to be digested. If we are taking any kind of antacid or acid blocking medication then we cannot utilize our minerals. This is a big issue. The forms of calcium that are easier to assimilate are the citrate, malate, hydroxyapatite and glycinate forms. We can only digest about 500-600 mg per serving so taking more in one serving is not useful.
Magnesium. For every 600 mg of Calcium we need to balance it with Magnesium. We need at least 250 mg up to 500 mg. There are a lot of differing opinions on this ratio of Calcium to Magnesium. Some say 2 to 1 others 1 to 1. I look at several physical symptoms. If someone is constipated, has muscle pain or spasms, insomnia or anxiety I will suggest a higher amount of Magnesium. Magnesium helps alkalize the body. When the body is too acidic it leaches calcium from the bones in order to alkalize the body.
Vitamin D. Get your levels tested with a blood test. Try to be tested at the same time each year as our levels fluctuated with the seasons. It costs about $40. In the fall, if you have spent any time outdoors your levels will be the highest and in the spring the lowest. The normal range for Vitamin D3 is between 30 and 100. Many people agree that the level should between 50 and 70. Vitamin D is important because it escorts Calcium into the bones where it builds bone strength. Vitamin D is a fat soluble Vitamin and we can make it by getting sun exposure to the skin as long as there is enough cholesterol in the body, the sun is at a good angle and our skin is not dark or old. The easiest way to get Vitamin D is to get it from Fish Oils or supplements. If you are depending on milk for vitamin D then the milk needs to have fat. Low fat and fat free milk are higher in a carbohydrate which means it is acidifying the body.
Vitamin K. There are 2 types of Vitamin K. K1 is in dark leafy greens and K2 is in fermented foods and can be made in your gut if you have a balance of good bacteria and are eating plenty of leafy greens. Vitamin K2 works with Vitamin D to escort the Calcium into the bones. If this is not happening then the Calcium can be wandering around in the arteries where it may form plaque. Plaque can lodge in the arteries and is a precursor to heart disease.
There are many other nutrients that affect the bones Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Boron, Silicon, Vitamin C and Folic Acid and will need to be discussed in another newsletter along with joint pain and arthritis.
I want to emphasize that you can get minerals from food but that food has to be grown on mineral rich soil. It's never easy to find out this information unless you are growing your own food and amending the soil with minerals or see soil tests from a farm that you are getting your food from. Barring that, eating a wide variety of organic plant foods and grass fed, pastured and wild animals we need to modestly supplement. This is our insurance.
Best Foods To Ensure Good Bone Health
Calcium and Magnesium are in dark leafy greens like broccoli, kale, green beans, spinach and bock choy, quinoa, legumes, chia seeds, sesame seeds, almonds and Brazil nuts, fish with edible soft bones like sardines, canned salmon and anchovies. Bone broth is rich in minerals. Bone broth needs to be cooked a long time at very low heat.
A special note about seaweed, it has 10-20 times the amount of calcium as milk products. Use a piece of Kombu in soups and stews. Try dulse or nori sprinkled over foods. Develop a taste for seaweed and start using it in your diet. Look for sources from Maine, Canada, and Iceland. wakame, hijiki, nori and kombu are a few species to try.
Books On Bone Health
Strong Women Stay Young by Miriam Nelson Miriam. Nelson is a research scientist studying women and bone loss, how developing muscles strengthens bones.
The Burst Workout by Sean Foy. Describes why short bursts of aerobic exercise are great for preserving overall health and is beneficial to the bones.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The 21 Day Cleanse is Back!
Number 11 September 2015
Greetings. As summer comes to a close and the fall is approaching I want to announce the fall 21-Day Purification Cleanse will begin Monday October 5, 2015 at my office in Berkeley. I encourage my patients to do at least one cleanse per year and the fall is a great time to do this. The holidays are just around the corner and if you are concerned about all the extra foods that you will be consuming, a cleanse is a great way to establish good eating habits before the holidays get here. Our environment is filled with toxins that our bodies have to deal with and at times it can be more than we can handle. I will have an informational meeting, Monday September 28 at 8 PM if you would like to come and hear more about the program and get all your questions answered.
The 21 Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements that are taken with your meals. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
- The 21 Purification Program is a gentle way to give your metabolism and digestive system a rest. Foods that cause inflammation and allergies are eliminated which allows the body more opportunity to cleanse. Our bodies are naturally designed to cleanse out toxins but in our modern environment we can get overloaded and this causes many symptoms including low energy, digestive and sleep problems, joint pain, skin problems, anxiety and weight gain.
- We meet as a group 4 times over the cleanse program in order to discuss results and challenges and receive tips on food recipes, success tactics and having fun.
- At the completion of the 21 Day purification Program I will help you to transition back into your normal diet. You will be able to pinpoint foods that you do not digest well and are causing some of your health problems.
My clients report more energy, less bloating, improved skin, better sleep, less anxiety, weight loss and less joint pain. The most frequent comment has been, "I can't believe how easy it was." A cleanse guide and the new cookbook will be provided with the program giving helpful tips and great recipes to make the program more successful.
Deadline to signup is Sunday October 4, 2015. Questions? Contact me at:
The Drought and Your Tap Water
Do you have a quality water filter? With the drought in California it is more important than ever that we make sure our water is filtered. In many places the water table is extremely low and the contaminants are becoming more concentrated. Using a Multipure Water Filter and changing the filter once a year is a guarantee that you will get the best tasting and safest drinking water. A new certification for removing pharmaceuticals and pesticides from the water was put in place this year and Multipure are the only filters to be certified to remove these. The list includes the medications Atenolol, Estrone, Ibuprofen, Deet and 11 other substances.
All water filters that are sold in California have to be tested by an independent testing agency which lists all the contaminants that the filter reduces. NSF International is one of those companies. Multipure reduces the most contaminates of all the filters on the market. In the last year Multipure Filters have been certified in a new category of contaminants which no other filter has been certified for. The new category of contaminants the Multipure reduces is a drug and pharmaceutical category. If you would like to purchase a water filter I can help you do that. Multipure is having a great bonus until the end of September. If you purchase any water filter system they will give you an additional emergency water filter which is an $85 savings. I keep one in my earthquake supplies and I also use a portable version when I travel.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Spring 21 Day Cleanse is Back!
Number 11 May 2015
I hope you are enjoying the spring weather. It is really beautiful here in Northern California. Even though we are in a drought everything is green and blooming, at least for now. To strengthen my knee, which was injured earlier in the year, I've been riding my stationary bike every morning in my garage which has a view of the bay. This helps me to enjoy this time of year while I pedal to rehab.
Spring 21 Day Cleanse Starts May 11, 2015
It's time for the spring 2015 21 Day Purification Cleanse. There's still time to sign up if you would like to join. It's great to do this with a buddy as that makes it easier to stay on track. We begin Monday May 11 and meet 4 times during the cleanse. Cost for the cleanse is $295 which includes supplements, protein powder and best of all, a brand new cookbook that supplies great, tasty recipes during the cleanse.
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. The liver is a major detoxifying organ and if it not working efficiently we deposit excess toxins into our fat cells.
The January 21-Day Group Purification Cleanse for 2015 was a lot of fun and the group has reported many lasting positive results. Over the 21 day process, and during the weeks immediately afterwards, the group members experienced better digestion, more energy, better sleep, less anxiety, less joint pain, less phlegm, better focus and higher productivity, clearer skin as well as weight loss.
Working as a group was rewarding as each person brought something different to contribute to the process. I have been given many tips and insights as well as delicious new recipes. And I am enjoying personal benefits from doing the 21-Day Purification Cleanses. I have participated in all the groups and each one has brought mental clarity, extra energy, being calmer and even weight loss. Almost everyone who has participated has commented that the cleanse was much easier and more fulfilling than what they expected.
The 21 Day Purification Cleanse is a great opportunity to make some changes in our food habits. The cleanse is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as protein from lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements to take with your meals. A cleanse guide and the new cookbook will be provided with the program giving helpful tips and great recipes to make the program more successful.
Deadline to signup is Sunday May 10, 2015.
Questions? Contact me at:
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Preparing for a Healthy New Year
Number 10 March 2015
Happy Chinese New Year
According to the Chinese Astrological calendar, we are entering into the Wood Goat Year. I will get into what this year will mean for you in a minute. 2014 was the Year of the Wood Horse. One of the core messages from last year was take special care not to get injured. Well I had one case that dramatically demonstrated that advice.
I have a good friend, Bill who was injured in a paddle board accident in August last year. His doctor originally thought he just bruised his shoulder. However, this incident ended in his having major surgery reattaching two tendons as well as shaving down a bone from an old shoulder injury. Even with opioid pain medicine and a nerve block, the pain became unbearable in the days and weeks after surgery. He had to sleep sitting up and only slept for 1-2 hours at a time. Not good. His medications were changed several times until he found some minor relief from the pain. Fortunately Bill is strong and healthy to begin with and he was able to endure.
Physical Therapy and Acupuncture
Soon as he was able, Bill started physical therapy. His physical therapist told him it would take a year of recovery to get back full function of his arm. He was also told that whatever range of motion he had achieved by week 8 to 10 would be the amount he would have to live with. Bill told his physical therapist that he wanted to get back 100% of his function and that he would do whatever it takes to get there.
At first, he did very gentle movement like taking his arm out of the sling and letting his arm hang down was the only exercise. He did these exercises 4 times per day. During this whole injury and recovery I was treating him with acupuncture and herbs. The acupuncture was helping reduce the pain and speeding up recovery from the surgery; however, when the physical therapist expressed concern that Bill's range of motion wasn't progressing fast enough I decided Bill would do one of his PT exercise sessions while I was treating him with acupuncture. This combination of treatments took the whole PT session to the next level.
The proof that this is working is that Bill's physical therapist is seeing the necessary improvement and he is right on track with his recovery. At two and a half months post-surgery Bill has started using weights with his exercises and he is progressing quickly towards full recovery and range of motion. I'm telling you this story because if you every need to have surgery and physical therapy think about getting regular acupuncture too. It will make a huge difference as it has done for my friend Bill.
The Year of the Wood Goat
Now on the good stuff for this year. There is a lot to talk about for this year but the main theme is groups. Working in groups will be more productive than working alone. Goats like to be together, they are a herd animal and they love to play and carouse. Unlike the horse who as a new born takes a while to be steady on its feet the baby goat can jump straight up into the air shortly after it is born. So right away this year we can gain the benefit of the group. To partner up with someone is beneficial.
I have just completed the first 21 Day Purification Cleanse Group for 2015 and it was a big success. Working as a group is helpful in a variety of ways. You are not alone, you benefit from the experiences of others and you can get support and acknowledgement for your successes and challenges. I will start my spring 21 Day Purification Cleanse May 11, 2015. Let me know if you are interested.
The Buck Institute – Diet and Dementia
I had the great pleasure of touring the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in January and have just been back to attend a panel discussion on the link between diet and dementia. The discussion was between two scientists from the Buck Institute, Dale Bredesen, MD and Brian Kennedy, PhD as well as Rebecca Katz, MS, director of The Healing Kitchens Institute at Commonweal and author of the new cookbook The Healthy Mind: Big Flavor Recipes to Enhance Brain Function, Mood, Memory and Mental Clarity.
The defining message from the talk was what you eat matters in regards to your brain's cognitive functioning. The scientists at the Buck Institute in conjunction with UCLA studied how food affects the brain and they have found that there are 85 foods that effect how we feel and think. Dr. Bredesen stated that when the early signs of dementia appear, we have a decade in which to reverse the disease. Some of you have seen the study published last fall in Aging, September 2014, Vol6 N9 Reversal of Cognitive Decline: A Novel Therapeutic Program by Dale E. Bredesen In this small study, cognitive decline was improved for 90% of the participants. Dr. Bredesen emphasized that those who followed the dietary advice received the greatest benefit.
So what is the secret? Basically it is a low carbohydrate diet with lots of vegetables, healthy fats and protein from wild or sustainably raised sources. Rebecca Katz emphasized that food needs to taste great and all her cook books are based on getting great flavor. In her Cancer Fighting Kitchen Cookbook she points out that if a person is only able to eat one or two bites of a food it should have a great flavor. We need to find what it is in food that excites us and start there. Food empowers us. So check out these books and studies if you want to get a leg up on the latest in leading edge brain science and great, tasty recipes that help combat the negative effects of aging.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Get Ready for Cold & Flu Season and
21-Day Purification Cleanse Results Number 9 November
I hope this letter finds you healthy, happy and enjoying the change of seasons. Here in drought plagued Northern California we have had several rain storms interspersed with very warm sunny weather. These extreme swings can be challenging to our health often leaving us susceptible to colds, flus and allergy symptoms. The best things you can do, besides getting regular acupuncture treatments, is getting regular exercise, plenty of rest and eating a whole foods diet. Having a "stop the cold or flu in its tracks" formula on hand is also very helpful.The seasons are changing which brings new health challenges. So I am announcing my fall 21 Day Purification Cleanse which starts Monday October 6, 2014. This is a great time to clean up our eating habits before the holidays start and after summer vacation. The temperature is changing, the foods in the market are different and we are experiencing shorter days. Once the schools are back in session the cold and flu season kicks in to high gear. If you are prone to come down with colds and flu this is the best time to get a jump on improving your immune system to prevent illness. The fall is also a time of heightened allergies because nature is beginning to shut down, with leaves and grasses decomposing turning into dust and molds.
Get Ready for Cold & Flu Season and 21-Day Purification Cleanse Results
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. The liver is a major detoxifying organ and if it not working efficiently we deposit excess toxins into our fat cells.
I have just finished my third 21-Day Group Purification Cleanse for 2014 and there have been many positive results. Over the 21 day process, and during the weeks immediately afterwards, the group members have experienced better digestion, more energy, better sleep, less anxiety, less joint pain, less phlegm, better focus and higher productivity, clearer skin as well as weight loss.
Working as a group was rewarding as each person brought something different to contribute to the process. I have been given many tips and insights as well as delicious new recipes. And I am enjoying personal benefits from doing the 21-Day Purification Cleanses. I have participated in all three groups and each one has brought mental clarity, extra energy, being calmer and even weight loss. Almost everyone who has participated has commented that the cleanse was much easier and more fulfilling than what they expected.The 21 Day Purification Cleanse is a great opportunity to make some changes in our food habits. The cleanse is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as protein from lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements to take with your meals. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
The next 21-Day Purification Cleanse starts Monday January 26, 2015. I will have an introductory meeting on Monday January 19 for people who are interested in finding out more details about the process before we begin the following week. I have found that when we do cleanses with a partner or friend it's a lot more fun as you can share meals and food preparation. Let me know if you are interested and tell your friends. You can e-mail me or call me 510-559-8700.
As the year closes I want to express my gratitude to all of you for supporting my work. Your interest in your health and my work with you is such an inspiration to me. I'm always on the path of learning as much as I can about current science as well as deepening my studies of the ancient medicine that I have been so fortunate to have learned. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is so much more powerful than I could have ever imagined and I continue to be inspired by the thousands of years of practice that informs and instructs me. Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Preparing for a Healthy Fall Number 8 September
The Next 21 Day Purification Cleanse Starts October 6
The seasons are changing which brings new health challenges. So I am announcing my fall 21 Day Purification Cleanse which starts Monday October 6, 2014. This is a great time to clean up our eating habits before the holidays start and after summer vacation. The temperature is changing, the foods in the market are different and we are experiencing shorter days. Once the schools are back in session the cold and flu season kicks in to high gear. If you are prone to come down with colds and flu this is the best time to get a jump on improving your immune system to prevent illness. The fall is also a time of heightened allergies because nature is beginning to shut down, with leaves and grasses decomposing turning into dust and molds.
Practiced for centuries all around the world, purification is about nourishing and cleansing the body from the inside out as well as supporting ideal body weight. The liver is a major detoxifying organ and if it not working efficiently we deposit excess toxins into our fat cells.
The 21 Day Purification Cleanse is a great opportunity to make some changes in our food habits. The cleanse is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as protein from lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements to take with your meals. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
We meet as a group 4 times over the 21 days and we discuss the process of cleansing and how the body accomplishes this. The most common remark from participants is, "I didn't realize how easy it would be". Many people experience more energy, improved digestion, less headaches, better sleep, less joint pain, weight loss and clearer skin. Some participants have also decreased their medications due to improved blood sugar, decreased blood pressure or decreased pain. The cost of the program is $275 which includes the protein powder and additional supplements as well as the cleanse program guide. I am limiting the group size, contact me to sign up now.
The Purest Water Can Come From Your Tap
MultiPure's "Taste the Difference" tour is coming to town. There will be a MultiPure water filter meeting Saturday September 20, 2014 from 10 AM-12 noon at the Emeryville Hilton Garden Inn. If you would like to purchase your replacement cartridge or any filters or other products there is no shipping charge. Drop by the meeting and pick up a replacement filter and say hello. Also, until the end of September any water filter that is purchased includes a bonus of the emergency filter package which is a filter and siphon that can be used for travel or in case of an emergency. I use this when I camp as well as hotel travel. It's very portable and easy to use and you get the best water there is. This is an $85.00 savings.
Preparing for the Cold and Flu season
Now that the schools are back in session the colds and flus are getting passed around. I have been recommending to my patients to step up their immune program in order to prevent illness.
Prevention is better than a cure, so I'm asking each of you to think about what works for you to avoid colds and when you think you are coming down with a cold or flu. Do you have a routine for preventing those first symptoms from progressing to full blown illness? Depending on your constitution you may need more rest or need to up your dosage of vitamin C. I have made my special Catch Cold Plus formula for many of you to have on hand and start taking at the first sign of illness. I encourage those of you in contact with small children to take Echinacea for the whole season. When you prevent illness your immune system gets stronger and you feel better. You can improve your immune system by getting a program going now. Contact me for more information on designing a custom program for you.
Date: Monday, October 6, 2014
Cost: $275.00. Includes the protein powder and additional supplements as well as the cleanse program guide.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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The 21 Day Purification Program Number 7 April
The 21 Day Purification Program is a gentle whole foods program that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein that encourage the body's natural detoxification. Protein is provided by a hypoallergenic protein powder made from brown rice or whey powder as well as protein from lentils, chicken and fish. Foods that cause allergies and inflammation are eliminated releasing energy into the system. There are also whole food supplements to take with your meals. A cleanse guide is provided with the program giving helpful tips and recipes to make the program more successful.
Program Overview:
- The 21 Purification Program is a gentle way to give your metabolism and digestive system a rest.
- Foods that cause inflammation and allergies are eliminated which allows the body more opportunity to cleanse. Our bodies are naturally designed to cleanse out toxins but in our modern environment our body can get overloaded and this causes many symptoms including low energy, digestive and sleep problems, joint pain, less anxiety and weight loss.
- We meet as a group 4 times over the course of the program in order to discuss results and challenges and receive tips on making the program easy, successful and fun.
- At the completion of the 21 Day Purification Program I will help you to transition back into your normal diet. You will be able to pinpoint foods that you do not digest well and are causing some of your health problems.
My clients report more energy, less bloating, improved skin, better sleep, less anxiety, increased weight loss and less joint pain. Participants lost an average of 9 pounds . The most frequent comment has been, "I can't believe how easy it was." You can view a short video on the benefits of the 21 day program here: 21DayPurificationProgram
I am limiting the group size, so call me to sign up now.
Date: Monday, May 19, 2014
Cost: $275.00. This includes the nutrients needed for the 21 day program.
In Health
Susan Wallace, L.Ac.
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Year of the Wood Horse Number 6 March
It is spring and the beginning of the Wood Horse Year. According to Chinese Tradition there are twelve animals and five elements that cycle through the lunar calendar and lend attributes to the thoughts and activities that can be accomplished during the year.
This year we transition from the Water Snake to the Wood Horse which is a big change. The Water Snake is contemplative and reclusive and the Wood Horse is energetic and active. This information only gives us a template to interact between our freedom to act and the opportunities presented by the Wood Horse year's energy.
Newness is important for this year. Think of reset and refresh functions on the computer. Starting new things will be important. Education and the student teacher relationship are especially useful this year. Training is more important than doing. Think about a horse and its bridle. Taming (the horse) need not be heavy handed (think The Horse Whisperer).
Pay Attention to Injuries This Year
One of the themes of the Wood Horse year is that we may be more prone to injuries or for chronic injuries to flare up. If you have an acute injury make sure to get it checked out by your MD. Even a small bone fracture can become a bigger problem if left untreated. An x-ray will be needed to diagnose or rule that out. If you have a sprain, you will want to start by using the combination treatment which goes by the acronym RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. It is very important to control the swelling and pain and getting enough rest so you can heal. Acupuncture can promote healing by reducing swelling and pain and improving the circulation. There are many herbal remedies both topical and internal that can help as well. The key is not to rush the healing process this year or it may develop into a long term health problem.
If you experience a reoccurrence of a chronic injury, you want to find the combination of therapies that can improve circulation, and re-train the body's alignment. For example, if you have been compensating for an injury by limping or holding your body in an awkward position, you will need to strengthen the muscles that may have become weak. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and improve circulation so that you can do the required strengthening work.
If exercise is allowed during your recovery, do not overdo it. If you have pain during exercise your body may not benefit from continuing; the same goes if you have pain after exercising or pain the next day. Strengthening the muscles can take some time and attention when you have a chronic injury. It is well worth your efforts to pay attention and find therapies that allow you to make progress. Patients do the best when they add stretching and strengthening to their daily routine.
21 Day Cleanse Challenge Results
The 2014 New Year's 21 Day Purification Group is complete and we had a very successful cleanse. Participants lost an average of 9 lbs and found positive changes in energy, sleep, digestion, emotional and mental focus. The group was enthusiastic and the most common comment was "It was a lot easier to follow the program than I thought."
I will lead the next cleanse group starting Monday, May 19, 2014. We will meet four times during the 21 day cleanse where I provide information, answer questions and measure your progress. The cleanse provides fresh and whole foods in the diet along with specially formulated nutrients that help with the cleansing process. The cost of the program is $275.00. This includes the nutrients needed for the 21 day program.
If you're interested either call or e-mail me and if you have friends that would like to participate please let them know.
Multipure Seminar March 29, 2014
I only recommend one water filter and that is the one made by Multipure Corporation, a family owned company that has been doing business in the United States since 1970.
The water filter products and the bottled water industry exploded since I bought my first Multipure filter 20 years ago and there isn't anything I would rather use to get safe, clean water. It is a top rated filter by Consumer Reports. The Multipure filter has a lifetime guarantee and the replaceable filter is changed one time per year.
Our municipal water districts do the best job that they can. But with budget constraints, aging infrastructure and corroding older pipes and the addition of over 70,000 chemicals to the environment since 1950, these water districts are having a hard time keeping up.
If you would like to learn from the experts, you can come to a free seminar given by Multipure in Emeryville, California on Saturday March 29 at the Hilton Inn from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Get all your questions answered by the experts and if you are interested in selling water filters as an independent distributor you can learn about that too.
Since this is such a good year for learning and the teacher student relationship, I want to express my gratitude for all my teachers who have been so generous and patient with me over many years. This includes my patients as well because I always learn so much from each of you as well.
Best Wishes.
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Happy Holidays Number 5 December
I hope this newsletter finds you happy, healthy and enjoying a stress-free winter holiday hope you are all well and enjoying the change of seasons.
I want to thank you for your continued interest and support for my work. Some of you I see regularly and others it has been a while. I want you to know that I am always interested in your health and well-being the Spring I introduced my book club and the first book I chose, The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin became a huge personal and research project for me. For those of you unfamiliar with this bestseller the book is about food sensitivities and all the problems caused by these foods.
Fermented Foods Boost Your Immune System
As the year draws to a close, I want to encourage you to consider the
warming, nutritious foods that winter features such as soups and stews,
and roasted or baked vegetables. I also want to encourage you to get
fermented foods into your diet. Did you know that every traditional culture
eats a cultured food whether it's sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, or pickles?
Having a serving of fermented foods with your meals can bring many
benefits. Fermented foods improve digestion and boost the immune
system. They also are important during digestion as they make it possible
for our bodies to synthesize Vitamins K and B12 as well as biotin and
short chain fatty acids. These nutrients contribute to strengthening your
bones and heart as well as increasing your energy. Fermented foods or
probiotics as they are called can help reduce inflammation and prevent
gastrointestinal infections like food poisoning.
An easy recipe for a fermented drink made with beets is called Kvass. It is
one of my favorite ways to get a warming winter food and probiotic
benefits at the same time.
You will need the following:
- 2 quart Mason jar with lid
- 3 medium or 2 large beets, peeled and cut into large chunks
- 1 tablespoon sea salt
- ¼ cup whey. This is the liquid that rises to the top of a quart of plain yogurt. Use cow, goat or sheep whey which is also available from Three Stone Hearth in Berkeley.
- Filtered water
Place the beets, salt and whey in the Mason jar, fill with water and mix the contents. Cover with the lid and sit on kitchen counter for 48 hours. The kvass is now done and should be stored in the refrigerator. Drink a small glass of kvass per day. It is a mild, salty, beet flavored drink. When you have approximately 1 cup left in the jar with the beets fill it again with water and sit it on the counter for another 48 hours. You will have a second batch of Kvass. When you finish the second batch discard the beets and start a fresh batch.
A Water Filter Makes a Great Gift
If you are thinking about a healthy present for yourself or someone special, a Multipure water filter is a great present. Being able to control the quality of the water you drink and cook with is a smart way to protect your health. I also find that many of my patients tend to drink more water as the filter makes the water taste better than straight from the tap. The unit has a lifetime guarantee and if you purchase 10 coupons for replacement filters you can get the unit for free. Right now during December Multipure is giving a wiggle filter water bottle with every purchase of a water filter. I can place the order for you or you can do it yourself through my website link
21 Day Cleanse Challenge
Announcing the January "Get Back to Whole Foods Cleanse". I will be leading a 21 day cleanse starting January 14, 2014. I have been doing different cleanses for over 25 years.
This is a great way to kick off the New Year and clean up any of those
holiday eating habits that may have caused some weight gain. We will
meet 4 times during the 21 day cleanse where I provide information and
answer questions and measure your progress. The cleanse is a fresh and
whole foods diet along with specially formulated nutrients that help the
cleansing process. A few of the benefits of cleansing are increased energy,
weight loss, decreasing food cravings, improved skin, enhancing
immunity and balancing hormones. The cost of the program is $247.00.
This includes the nutrients needed for the 21 day program as well as the 4
I have been doing different cleanses for over 25 years and there are very
specific ways that a cleanse is done so that it is safe, gentle, and effective.
I have done cleanses for as short as 10 days and as long as 8 weeks. One
of the most important aspects of the cleanse is that you get plenty of
nutrients and satisfying foods so that you are never hungry. It's really fun
and rewarding for me to lead a group through the cleanse because I
always learn something new and enjoy measuring your progress and
witnessing the positive results. You can call my office for more
information or to schedule your space as I will limit this to 10 people.
To your health in 2014.
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How I Lost Weight While in Paris Number 4 October
I hope you are all well and enjoying the change of seasons.
In the Spring I introduced my book club and the first book I chose, The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin became a huge personal and research project for me. For those of you unfamiliar with this bestseller the book is about food sensitivities and all the problems caused by these foods.
Over the last 25 years I have recommended a food elimination diet and challenge to many of my patients but never personally tried it. I have to thank my patients in the book club for suggesting we all try it together and I was surprised how after just two weeks of abstaining from the 7 most commonly sensitized foods my sleep and energy improved. When I tested and challenged each food, I discovered I had problems with gluten. I never would have known this if I hadn't done the elimination and testing very scientifically and methodically.
I spent the spring and summer studying and reading about how and why gluten and especially wheat can cause so many health problems. It turns out that the wheat that is grown all over the world today looks genetically nothing like the wheat that was eaten up through the 1960's and early 1970's. These new strains of wheat are causing health problems for many people.
While in Paris I Lost 5 Pounds and Still Ate Well
When I went to Paris this fall for a vacation, I had been gluten free for 5 months and wondered how I would do in France. It was very easy to avoid gluten as the French diet is big on fresh foods and very little processed items. The French eat gluten in the form of baguettes but it is served as just a few slices and in doesn't come with butter. No macaroni and cheese, no big sandwiches and big plates of pasta. There isn't a pizza place on every street. I was surprised how little chips and crackers and sandwich bread is in the stores. Everything is in a smaller size. Nothing is supersized.
Deserts are decadent but small and not focused on a crust or bready portion but more on flavor combinations. The French chocolate is some of the best I've ever tasted. Everything I ate was delicious and I didn't limit anything except gluten and I lost 5 pounds. Now I did walk every day but I have been doing that at home for years. I have to say it was great to see and different cultures eating habits and how it ffected me. Best of all, I never felt deprived but just the opposite - satiated.
Avoiding the Pounds During the Holidays
So I want to encourage you to consider the upcoming holidays and think about how you can curtail any food cravings and overeating. My method is to avoid Halloween candy from the start of the season and really focus on the foods I enjoy and that I know don't cause me to overeat. For me that would be sugar and now gluten. It turns out that gluten has an appetite stimulating effect and I have noticed that I am less likely to get hungry between meals with no gluten in my diet. I didn't eat a ton of gluten to begin with, but whatever the amount I was getting in my diet, it was contributing to my health issues. I will also recommend some of my favorite gluten free food brands, recipes and eateries in future issues of the newsletter.
Drink Filtered Water Instead of Buying Bottled
In conclusion, I also want to put a plug in for filtering your drinking water right at your tap. I have been using a Multipure water filter for over 20 years and continue to find that the Multipure filters are the best water treatment systems on the market. You don't know what contaminants may be in your drinking water due to old pipes that distribute the water from the treatment plant. And if you are buying bottled water, you will save at least $1000 annually or $5000 over 5 years – a really nice vacation for two. Ask me about your water needs and I will get you the system that you need.
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Neurotransmitter Imbalances and Chronic Health Problems Number 3 March
Neurotransmitters and hormones are chemicals that send signals between cells in the body, regulating everything from blood pressure to how well you sleep at night. These physiological messengers are produced throughout the body, and through their communication with our organs and one another, they help maintain a balance designed to keep you happy and healthy.
I find that complex and recurring health conditions are often masked by symptoms so common those symptoms lose their diagnostic value. In fact, patients with significantly different underlying conditions may experience a similar set of symptoms. The good news is that even complex health conditions reveal themselves in the form of biomarkers. That's why I test my patient's biomarkers, specifically neurotransmitter and hormone levels, to improve diagnostic accuracy and increase the effectiveness of the treatment regimen.
Many common symptoms are related to neurotransmitter imbalances
Neurotransmitter imbalances are associated with many of todays most common and recurring health conditions. Because neurotransmitters are functionally integrated with the endocrine system (including the adrenal glands), sex hormones and the immune system, neurotransmitter imbalances can cause widespread health problems. The following patient symptoms may indicate neurotransmitter imbalances:
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Anxiousness and low mood irritability
- Sleep difficulties
- Changes in appetite, excessive cravings and sudden weight loss/gain
- Poor mental performance, including issues with memory, attention, and ability to concentrate
Because nerves affect the functioning of all cells in the body, neurotransmitter-related disorders are common. An estimated 84% of the population has some degree of neurotransmitter deficiency or imbalance. Prolonged stress, poor diet (especially protein deficiency or malabsorption), genetic predisposition and some prescription drugs can contribute to neurotransmitter imbalances.
Each patient is unique, but symptoms are not
Many of my patient's symptoms, such as fatigue, sudden weight gain, anxiousness and sleep difficulties can have different underlying causes. While one sleep-deprived patient may have low serotonin, another may have high glutamate. Neurotransmitter testing measures key biomarkers for each patient.
Today's complex and recurring medical problems often require an approach that views nervous, endocrine and immune functions as an integrated system. Neurotransmitter testing helps me uncover adrenal and immune issues that affect proper neural balance.
View sample test results below
In this sample, the red bars indicate neurotransmitters that are out of balance, in this case too high (H).
Featured Book of the Month
I recommend Dr. Miriam Nelson's comprehensive book: Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis. Based on the latest scientific information, including practical advice on the best nutrition, exercise, and diet plans.
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Acupuncture and Nutrition Supplements in Treating Arthritis Number 2 February
If you live with arthritis or joint pain you know what a challenge it can be to find relief from joint pain, inflammation and other symptoms. Osteoarthritis afflicts more than 21 million Americans. Western medicine focuses on relieving pain and preventing further joint damage using anti-inflammatory drugs and other medication. Acupuncture offers a safe, natural way to control joint pain and other symptoms and maintain overall bone and joint health. A 2004 study showed that patients with arthritis of the knee experienced a 40% reduction in pain and 40% increase in function after receiving a series of acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture and Pain Relief
Pain is the primary complaint of arthritis sufferers, and acupuncture is a very effective form of pain control. I recommend a series of acupuncture treatments to relieve pain and
nutrition supplements and dietary changes to control the swelling and inflammation. Acupuncture relieves pain in four ways:
- It causes the body to produce chemicals called endorphins, which inhibit the perception of pain.
- Acupuncture works by blocking the transmission of pain signals to the brain.
- It deactivates trigger points. Trigger points are tender and extremely reactive areas that develop in the muscles and fascia sheaths of the body. They are often responsible for chronic pain and are frequently found around arthritic joints.
- Acupuncture also has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. Since much illness is the result of stress, this relaxation helps to promote the healing process.
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It involves the gradual disintegration of cartilage in joints along with the deposition of calcium, which limits mobility of the joint. Acupuncture stimulates the parathyroid glands to produce the hormone that draws calcium out of bones, only in this case, the hormone works on the arthritic deposits. When the joint reaches a certain level of deterioration, acupuncture will not restore it to a normal state. It is, however, extremely effective at controlling the pain that often accompanies this deterioration.
Treatment Schedule
Some people will respond to acupuncture more quickly than others. Most patients should experience some symptomatic relief after 4-6 treatments. Six to ten treatments within a three to five week period is a normal course of treatment, and then the case is re-evaluated. For cases in which joint mobility is restricted or inflammation reoccurs, periodic maintenance treatments are often recommended. The frequency depends upon your response to acupuncture.
Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Supplements
To strengthen the acupuncture treatment, I combine herbal medicine and nutrition supplements to get the best possible results. Herbal medicine strengthens the body and enhances the functioning of the immune system. Nutrition supplements help to strengthen the bones and reduce swelling and inflammation. I can also provide nutritional counseling. For my patients who are concerned about bone health and arthritis, I would prescribe a combination of one or more of following nutrition supplements:
- Multiple Vitamin Formula
- Fish Oil Supplement and EPA-DHA
- Glucosamine Supplement
- Arthritis Formula (Chinese herbs)
- Calcium/Magnesium Formula
- Vitamin D and Vitamin K2
Diagnostic Testing
I am a proponent of testing for specific nutritional imbalances to determine deficiencies that may be contributing to your underlying condition. Ask your doctor to have your vitamin D levels tested or I can order the test for you. The name of the test is 25-hydroxy vitamin D.
Schedule a Treatment
If you are experiencing chronic arthritic or joint pain or wish to prevent a possible occurrence, contact me to schedule an acupuncture treatment and nutrition counseling session. I will develop a custom treatment program based upon your medical history, state of health and dietary habits.
Featured Book of the Month
I recommend Dr. Miriam Nelson's comprehensive book: Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis. Based on the latest scientific information, including practical advice on the best nutrition, exercise, and diet plans.
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Happy Healthy New Year Number 1 Januuary 2013
I hope 2013, the Year of the Snake, is bringing you all renewed vigor and health. As you can see, I have started to use a more graphical approach to my monthly newsletter so I can include images, photos and links to articles, book reviews and websites. Let me know what you think about this change and if you have a suggestion about what you would like me to write about. Thanks.
In this newsletter I will talk about the use of acupuncture after surgery. Over the last 20 years, I have used acupuncture to treat post-surgery conditions like pain, nausea and slow healing.
Last week, I visited and treated my very special high school friend, Linda, after her surgery. Linda had abdominal surgery to remove an adrenal gland and benign tumor from her kidney. I was able to be with her right after the surgery and for the following two days. The surgery lasted for 3 hours and her surgical team did a great job.
She had a previous abdominal surgery in the fall and became very nauseated afterwards and asked me to help her. When she told the anesthesiologist that she would be getting acupuncture right after the surgery for nausea and recovery, he approved. When Linda came out of the recovery room she was very groggy and nauseated. She was given the option of staying in the hospital overnight, but we opted to take her home where I would be able to treat her with as much acupuncture as she needed.
Day one, she mostly slept and became nauseated upon moving around. I gave her two treatments for nausea and pain and she then had an uneventful night. By the next morning, less than 24 hours after the surgery, she was able to walk downstairs and started eating. Best of all, the nausea was gone and she had very little pain. She had a prescription for pain killers that she never needed.
Day two, I treated her with acupuncture for bloating, discomfort and to accelerate recovery. By dinnertime, her family scolded her for clearing dishes from the dinner table. She slept and rested early on, but was on the phone and iPad communicating with her friends and business connections. It was very satisfying for me to see my friend's energy and spirit come back so quickly. She was very compliant doing what I recommended, as she felt the healing effects of the acupuncture working.
Day three, my friend was up and dressed in the morning. I examined her coloring, eyes and took her pulse, which were all back to normal. I never would have guessed she had just gone through major surgery three days earlier. We went for a 45 minute walk around her neighborhood and in the afternoon, she went with us to the grocery store. When I left for the airport that evening, she was looking great and in good spirits.
Over the last 20 years, I have treated many of my patients after surgery and always find the healing and recuperative powers of acupuncture to be amazing. What I learned from this case is in order to maximize the healing benefits of acupuncture, you should receive treatment as soon and as often as possible following the surgery.
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Healthy Holiday Living Newsletter Number 12 Fall 2012
I have been thinking about what is important to remember for a healthy fall and planning for 2013.
I hope that you all have your strategies for the cold and flu season. I have all my formulas and nutrients plus my neti pot ready and waiting should a cold try to get me. If we haven't discussed this and you feel exposed let's talk about what you can have prepared on your next visit.
This year I'd like to discuss how you would like to feel at the New Year. We have a lot of holidays to look forward to and some of us struggle with eating well while not going into an over indulging pattern. For many of you this will not be a problem but, for those of you who are affected, you know what I am talking about.
Simple Tips for a Healthy Fall or How Not to Gain 12 Pounds during the Holidays
So to start off, my first tip is No Halloween Candy. Let me elaborate. Those little "fun size" candy bars look so innocent, but you find you cannot stop once you have started. Then once you have the taste of sweet sugar and chocolate, you find yourself overindulging and consuming so many extra calories that you gain weight over the holidays. Come New Year's Day and you have a big problem. You can either work very hard to remove the extra weight or at least stop gaining or you continue on with overeating. This is a very common pattern and statistics show that the average American gains 12 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. So if you and I are not gaining the 2 pounds a week then someone else could be gaining even more. (?) I've been there. I have found the only way to not over eat sugar, when there is going to be lots and lots of sweet desserts around, is not to start. Be mindful of what you are putting in your mouth.
Make a Plan
Tip #2 is that you make a plan for where you would like to be at the New Year. I personally don't want to skip the festive foods of the holidays but I also do not want to start a sugar binging pattern that I can't stop and will have consequences. So for me my plan starts with no Halloween candy and then I concentrate on foods that I love in the fall. Persimmons and winter squash and all the warming soups and stews. Think about the foods that are being harvested right now. The apples and pears make such a nice treat, baked or poached or just eaten fresh with the aged cheeses. If I want to eat a candy bar I will but it will not be mindlessly picked out of a bucket on someone's hall table or desk. I will plan for it and eat it slowly and enjoy it.
Tip #3 is make sure no candy is visible at your house. If we have Halloween candy for the trick or treaters then it only comes out that evening and I'm not in charge of it. Any left overs are taken away the next day. The next part of my plan is doing any activity that doesn't involve food. I think about getting outside in our beautiful fall weather because when I'm out and exercising or working in my garden I am not eating. It's a strategy that I can count on. I remember years ago I would hike with a friend every week and then we would go out to eat. We finally came to the conclusion that we were both using the excuse of having burned a lot of calories so we could indulge in a celebratory meal every time we saw each other. We decided that we didn't want to link exercising to eating and just changed our habit.
This brings me to my final Tip #4 is I do not link all my activities to an eating event. I also need to emphasize to eat regularly and I always know what and when the next meal or snack will be. I can recommend three different books that may help you think about eating in a new way and 2 of them have delicious recipes. The first book is "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler, MD. He is very familiar with the food industry and how packaged foods and the fast food industry design foods with flavor enhancers that keeps us desiring and overeating. "Full Moon Feast" by Jessica Prentice is a beautiful book describing the seasonal eating practices, month by month that farming or hunting and gathering cultures would follow. She is a great chef and includes delicious simple recipes. "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon is another book about traditional eating practices with recipes that help you get the most nutrition out of the food that you eat.
Please call me if you'd like to come in for an appointment.
I hope that this year has been good for you and your family.
Have a healthy and happy holiday season.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Auricular acupuncture, or Ear Acupuncture Number 11 Winter 2011
In 1990, the Director General of the World Health Organization proclaimed to an international gathering that - "Auricular acupuncture is probably the most developed and best documented, scientifically, of all the microsystems of acupuncture and is the most practical and widely used."
Auricular acupuncture, or ear acupuncture as it is more commonly known, is similar to body acupuncture but with ear acupuncture stimulation is only to the external ear. It is a method of treating a variety of physiological and psychological health problems by the stimulation of certain acupuncture points on the external ear.
Classical body acupuncture is thought to have been originally discovered in China over 5000 years ago; ear acupuncture was also thought to have been discovered in China around the same time, however it has been, until fairly recently, a poor relation of classical body acupuncture. It was the French Physician from Lyon in France, the late Dr Paul Nogier, in the 1950's after seeing one of his patients cured of sciatic back pain with the use of ear acupuncture, who then began to research and develop modern ear acupuncture, and carried on researching and refining the therapy for over 40 years until his recent death in the late 1990's. In fact his work is so well regarded that the Chinese refer to him as the Father of modern Ear Acupuncture.
Dr Nogier's research indicated that there are over 100 or so separate acupuncture points on the external ear and that when these points are stimulated they are believed to influence the various organs and systems in the body. Nogier discovered that the position of the ear points and zones were approximately in the position of an upside down fetus, super-imposed on the external ear, with the head located around the lobe of the ear. His research also indicated that every part of the body has its own representative acupuncture point on the external ear, and that stimulation one of these points can influence the corresponding organ linked to that particular ear point.
The Chinese version of ear acupuncture is still based on the traditional Chinese medicine model, whereas the western Nogier version is based more on a western scientific format.
Three Ways to Deal with the Ear Pain when Flying
Every time I fly in an airplane my ears used to ache on take off and landing. The pain in my ears was caused by the change in altitude and cabin pressure. Being an acupuncturist I figured there had to be a point on the body that would ease the pain. In this article I’m here to share with you a simple way to release the pressure and pain inside the ear when changing altitudes in a plane or mountain travel.
Now if you’ve ever been on a plane and upon take off or landing have experienced that stabbing pain inside you ear, you know this can be a very painful and frightening sensation. No wonder small babies, with very sensitive and small ears, cry so much as the cabin pressure changes. The pressure inside your ears and outside your head is changing faster than your body can adjust for it. Your ears tend to clog, it becomes harder to hear and there’s the ever present pain to deal with. Not much fun.
So here are three simple recommendations to help deal with the pain of pressure changes:
1. Swallowing. Eat something that is flavorful or juicy like a mint or chew some gum that will keep you swallowing. That is the reason mother’s give their babies a bottle at take off. Sometimes this alone is enough to help. But if you have allergies or nasal congestion and are plugged up you will need to do more.
2. Acupressure. There are several points on the head, hand and wrist that will relieve the pressure in the ears.
- The first point is located on the hand between the ring finger and the little finger. Feel between and above the 2 knuckles on the back of the hand you will find a small area that is between the bones that you can press. If you keep the hand relaxed it will allow the point to “open up”. If you lay your hand flat, palm down it will be easier to find. It might feel tender when you press so be aware if you are doing this for a child.
- Press on the point with one finger as you take a breath in and out. Hold the pressure on this point for 3 breaths then let go. Repeat this two more times.
- You can do this on the other hand or use pressure points on your ears if this point doesn’t work.
- Find a spot in front of the ear lobe and a spot just behind the ear lobe that you can press on in the same way you did the finger pressure point.
- Try opening and closing your mouth while you are pressing on these head points. And continue to swallow. These 3 actions will help normalize the pressure in your ears.
3. The last point is on the forearm in the area just above the wrist. Place your hand in your lap palm down. Then measure 3 fingers width above the wrist crease. Where the three fingers end is a space between the 2 bones that can be pressed. This will help ease the pressure the same way as the ear and finger points did. Find the spot that works best for you or use all three points in combination.
So the next time you are on a plane or driving in the mountains and you experience difficulties with your ears, try one of the 3 simple methods to relive the pain. I especially encourage parents to show their young children how to do this as it can make a big difference with their small, still developing ears and influence their experience with air travel.
In health,
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Healthy Living Newsletter Number 10 Fall 2011
Fall is in full swing and I'm finally spending some time indoors. First I want to thank you all for responding to my request for donations for the Charlotte Maxwell Cancer Clinic where I volunteer. We were able to raise extra funds to help low income women with their cancer protocols using acupuncture, herbs, massage and other alternative treatments.
Cold and Flu Season I hope you all have your cold and flu protection plan in place to help lessen your chances of getting sick. As I've said in previous newsletters, prevention is the best defense. You can refer to my newsletter (October 2009) for the details.
Water Filter Sale Multi-Pure drinking water systems is celebrating their 40th anniversary and are having a holiday promotion that is a great deal. As you know, I recommend using a water filter system to filter your tap water to guarantee the best drinking water possible, free of contaminants, great tasting and it frees up having to buy bottled water. Now when you purchase a new unit you can also receive a counter top stainless steel model for $99.95 which is a savings of $219. This is a great deal and is good for November and December 2011. So if you have been planning on buying a unit for your home – counter top, under the sink, or refrigerator – you can also get a second unit to give as a gift or for a student who is away at college. Click the link at my website (Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems) where you can read up on water filters and place an order. If you have a question about water filters please contact me.
Acupuncture Discount for Pre-Payment I'm announcing a special deal for my patients who would like to get a discount on their acupuncture treatments by purchasing a block of treatments up front. If you prepay for your payments I will give you a discount of 10% (4 treatments), 15% (6 treatments) or 20% (8 treatments). A pre-paid block of treatments will be good for one year from purchase.
My 25 Year Anniversary I will be celebrating my 25 year anniversary as an acupuncturist and want to invite you to an open house in January. I will announce the exact date and time in the December newsletter. I'll be providing free ear acupuncture treatments and serving healthy snacks, delicious desserts and fine herbal teas. Please join me in celebrating this milestone.
New Ear Treatments I've started something new his fall. I'm now offering ear acupuncture treatment that takes less than 15 minutes and costs $15. I place very small stainless steel balls covered with transparent surgical tape on specific points in the ear. The treatment is fast, painless and very effective in dealing with stress, anxiety, pain among other conditions. The treatment will last for 4-7 days. All you have to do is press on the ball points whenever you feel the need to relax or reduce pain or anxiety.
In health,
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems 510-559-8700
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Fund Raising Request
As we approach the summer solstice I start to think about the importance of water in relation to our health and staying hydrated. In this newsletter I talk about water quality, bottled water and water filters. I'm also including a fund raising request for the free clinic that I have volunteered at for the last 6 years. Please review the attached document for more information about this incredible alternative cancer treatment center for low income women.
Fund Raising Request
In health, Susan 510-559-8700
Filter Your Tap Water Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems Number 9 Summer 2011
Now that the rains have finally stopped it's time to think about drinking water. What kind of water are you drinking? Our water is tested for about 100 different contaminants but it is estimated that there are over 21,000 different pesticides in use in the US today and many of them find their way into the water supply. Bottled water, tap water, filtered water? Of all the elements of healthy living getting clean water is very important and it is one of the few things we can take control of by installing a filter in our home or apartment. When you use a good water filter you know that certain toxins will be eliminated from your water.
As we approach the summer months it is important to think about staying hydrated. During a summer day we lose about 2 quarts of water through our skin. So what is the best way to get clean, pure drinking water? You can use a solid carbon block filter that is installed at or under your sink or you can use a reverse osmosis filter along with the solid carbon filter. These will remove toxic chemicals and even byproducts from water treatment facilities. Filtered water is only as good as the filter you are using. Fortunately in California water filters must be tested and registered with the state so we know how the filters compare with each other. The filters I recommend are made by the Multi Pure Company, a family run company who has been making water filters for over 40 years. They make solid carbon block filters and reverse osmosis filters as well as shower filters and whole house filters. Prices start $225. The carbon filter is changed once per year and costs about $70.00 to replace. These solid block filters take out some of the most dangerous contaminants in our water like chlorine, lead, asbestos, cryptosporidium, trihalamethanes and the gasoline additive MTBA.
The Problem with Bottled Water
First of all the bottled water industry is not well regulated. They could be using local tap water and the processing facility may only be inspected by the health department once a year. The other issue is the plastic itself is leaching chemicals into the water. Only 10% of used water bottles are recycled, leaving the US awash in billions of plastic bottles in landfill that takes 1000 years to degrade. And last is cost, you will save at least $2000 over a 10 year period by switching from buying bottled water to using a water filter. I use a stainless steel drinking bottle filled with filtered water when I'm out or hiking.
Multi Pure has some of the best prices and highest quality for the water filters on the market. They also have payment plans and rental plans as well as special deals. I can help you choose and purchase the right filter for your circumstances.
When I think about the things I have control over in this world it makes me very pleased that I can get clean water from my tap that I know is safe. Drinking clean water is one of the healthiest things that we can do. So if I can help you further please call or e-mail me.
In health,
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems 510-559-8700
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Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems
How to Protect Yourself from Possible Radiation Exposure Number 8 Spring 2011
In the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, many of you have asked me for advice on what to do to protect your self from possible radiation exposure and where to find accurate information.
Taking Control
First of all I want to encourage you to continue with all your healthy habits that are protecting you; and if you haven't been taking good care of yourself then start now. Take control of the things that you can. You can clean up your diet. You can get more rest. You can find an exercise that works for you. You can experience joy. Being prepared is how you can best protect yourself; your body wants to do this and the best way to do this is through a diet that filled with antioxidants. These are the clean up crews in your body and they are represented by the colorful foods such as green kale and orange carrots.
In Chinese Medicine we respond to the seasons and change our diets and activities accordingly. We are at the spring equinox right now and this is an unusual and special time of year as it happens but once a year. At the spring equinox the Yin and Yang are equal i.e. 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. In Chinese philosophy this is the recalibration of the earth, the reset button is hit and the agriculture year begins with the first new plants coming up in the fields. If we were following traditional Taoist habits we would start something new, anything, it doesn't really matter what as long as it interests you and you can be "fresh" and lighthearted with it. Embrace something instructive, fun, read a history that ends well. This is not a good time for harsh judgments.
For me today, that new activity is writing this newsletter. I have learned so many new things in the last week and have thought widely about this current situation on Mother Earth. If we have been pushing ourselves and using stimulants there is the danger that we can seriously damage our chi, this will be hard to reverse. What do we need to cultivate in our life that will lead to regeneration? The fields have been resting all winter; and now is the time to plow.
I am going to discuss 3 areas that can help you to feel more confident that you can take the best care of yourself at this stressful time.
1. How do I take care of myself in the event of exposure to nuclear radiation?
Let's talk about food. Meals can help recalibrate us. In an obvious way a meal gives us energy but on a subtle level it can be deeply healing. Now the one thing that is clear from all the discussion and study I've done this week is the way we can protect our thyroids from radioactive iodine, which can lead to thyroid cancer, is by having a diet that naturally supplies our bodies with iodine. Iodine is an essential nutrient that comes from seafood, sea plants, milk and eggs. Now radioactive iodine is only one of several radioactive substances and iodine will only protect our bodies from radioactive iodine. The best cure all system that we have in our bodies is our antioxidant system. Let's look at where to find antioxidants in food.
Miso and other fermented foods have been documented to help the body eliminate toxins from radiation as well as toxins that we normally generate in the process of living. This means miso is an antioxidant food. It is used as an anti cancer food. Other fermented foods, fresh sauerkraut, kim chi, tempeh, yogurt, kefir, fresh pickles are all used like condiments not as the only food eaten at a meal. Here is where looking at traditional recipes as a guide is helpful. If you are eating a bowl of stew or soup you can put a spoonful of miso or sauerkraut in the bottom of the bowl before you scoop the stew or soup into the bowl. This way the live beneficial bacteria will not be destroyed by being boiled. And you'll get the antioxidant properties of the fermented food.
Shitake, Oyster, Reshi , Turkey Tail and Lion's Mane are all medicinal mushrooms, anti oxidant, anticancer and detoxifying. If you are cooking with mushrooms they must be cooked at least 30 minutes so that the cell walls are broken down and its medicinal qualities can be absorbed by the body. Again these are used as condiments or as part of many elements in the dish.
Seaweed, especially brown kelp which are found dried in Asian grocery stores are high in iodine, vitamin C and other minerals. These are Kombu, Wakame, and Bladderwack seaweeds. Look for seaweed that is gathered from clean ocean areas. One square inch of Kombu, instead of salt, cooked into a pot of rice will provide a good dose of vitamin C and iodine. Too much seaweed will create cold in the body so do not over-consume.
Fiber helps to detoxify by binding with what the body needs to eliminate and escorting it out of the body through the large intestines. Drinking enough water helps the body remove toxins through the kidneys
All the colorful fruits and vegetables are filled with numerous anti oxidants. Vitamins A, C, E, caroteinoids, essential fatty acids are all antioxidants.
Here's a simple recipe to try - : "Spring Time Miso Soup"
Ingredients: 1 yellow onion, 4 cups water, 1 bunch fresh green garlic (bulbs and greens), 1 small piece of kombu seaweed, _ lb shitake mushrooms, olive oil, miso paste, sea salt. Preparations: Cut onion and mushroom in a fine dice. Heat pan, add oil and sauté onions, mushrooms and sea salt until soft and almost translucent. (30 minutes) Cut green garlic bulb and green into fine slices and add to onion sauté and cook until aromatic. Add water, rinsed kombu and let simmer. (10-20 minutes) Remove from heat and serve. Serving Instructions: Put a teaspoon to a tablespoon of miso paste into a bowl. Add a small amount of broth to the miso and combine until it's the consistency of thick cream. Fill the bowl with more broth. Garnish with a few drops of toasted sesame oil or sake. Enjoy Note: Miso paste is very salty so use it sparingly to start.
2. Where to find the most accurate information on the web?
I always look to those experts and organizations who have the most credibility and who have provided solid information in the past.
Helen Caldecott, MD is a noted scientist who has studied the nuclear industry for over 30 years. She recently wrote a very good editorial on the subject of the recent events at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. You can find more at this link: Caldecott, MD is a noted scientist who has studied the nuclear industry for over 30 years. She recently wrote a very good editorial on the subject of the recent events at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. You can find more at this link:
Sarah Gottfried, MD is a brilliant physician located in Oakland and has been writing about the Japanese disaster and fallout for the last week. She has some on-the-mark observations about this tragedy and how to protect yourself in the aftermath. You can read her blog at: this link: Center for Disease Control has lots of factual information updates on the situation in Japan and has recommendations for actions to take. You can read more at:
First, let's start with a word of caution: I find that when my patients over-consume negative news and websites and blogs they become more traumatized. I have seen this happen close at hand after Loma Preata Earthquake, the Oakland fire in 1991 and after 9/11. I won't go on.
My recommendation is to find one expert source that you trust, from the list above or on your own, and only check in with them 1-2 times a day. The reason I suggest limiting reading of websites or blogs or viewing the news is that it only serves to make many of my patients too anxious and worried. What is happening in Japan is an unfolding tragedy and bears watching for our own safety, but too much hour-to-hour saturation only intensifies our stress. As my colleague, Cathy Dana, trauma specialist suggests, by following the advice of one trusted source you can take measures to be prepared but not get into a helplessness spiral, and have enough factual information to stay informed and in control.
Second, let's discuss how best to take care of yourself in the event of radiation exposure. At the nuclear plants in Japan where the radiation levels are high and very real, the taking of potassium iodide is the recommended course of treatment for high level radioiodine exposure. Potassium iodide is a high dosage pill taken 1 time right at the time of exposure. The pill floods the thyroid with iodine so that it won't absorb the radioactive iodine released in the toxic radioactive gases. WARNING: this is not a dose of iodine you would take unless you have a strong possibility of high levels of radiation exposure. Also this will only protect you from radioiodine not any of the other radioactive particles that would be in this gas. I agree with the US Surgeon General, Regna Benjamin that we should have this in our disaster prep kits just like we have food and water.
I want to make sure that you understand that iodine is one of the essential nutrients. It is in my multivitamin. This is one of the reasons I recommend a daily multi, so that you are prepared and supplemented. We know that iodine is needed for the thyroid to function as well as used by the uterus and breast tissue. Too much iodine in your system can cause widely differing symptoms that varies from person to person, so one dose does not fit all.
Too much iodine can cause a reaction similar to too much caffeine and keep you up, feeling jittery and in an over excited state. It can also have the opposite effect causing depression and fatigue. Usually if you take iodine and you feel bad you have got the wrong dose. To purchase potassium iodide you can usually find it at your local health food store or pharmacy. Or you can buy it online from a reputable source like At this time it may be difficult to get it but when you do it goes into your emergency kit So far the levels of radiation have been low in Tokyo and California . However in California we have a hot line provided by the California Department of Public Health that you can call at 916-341-3947 for updates on the situation. They also have a webpage with frequently asked questions about radiation that is very good.
If you have young children, or you are lactating or pregnant talk to your primary care provider before you start on any course of prevention and protection. You need to be very careful not to overload children's thyroids.
3. How to deal with fear and anxiety for yourself and your loved ones
Are you able to do this by yourself or do you need a "Designated Information Officer"; some one you know and trust who will inform you about current state of affairs as it relates to the current tragedy and unfolding nuclear situation? If this activity of staying informed energizes and empowers you then fine but if you feel helpless then you need to reach out and find an information buddy. Make sure they understand this responsibility and only give you what you need to be safe. Think about how you take care of yourself during normal times and make sure you do these activities or exercises. Do you exercise regularly, take walks, spend time with friends, read books, listen to good music, meditate, practice Tai Chi, prayer, take a relaxing bath, smell the flower blossoms or just make sure you get enough sleep. Continue with these activities and remember it is spring so add something new. Also remember that your body is designed to cleanse and regenerate, it is doing it right now. Your body has an innate intelligence, it wants to live and every cell is guided by this purpose.
And of course you can see me for an acupuncture treatment or herbal consultation so I can help maintain your Chi and energy at an optimum level.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Three Ways to Handle Stress through Nutrition Number 7 November 2010
Think of good nutrition as good medicine when you are dealing with stress.
We all experience some form of stress every day; and how we handle it depends on our state of health. I like to think of my health as my bank account; health reserves that I can draw upon in times of stress.
There are 3 main methods to deal with stress. They are nutrition, exercise and rest. For this article, I'll focus on diet and nutrition.
What you eat gives you energy and the more energy you have the better you will be able to deal with everyday stress. Our brains have to be fed to work properly. And when the brain doesn't get proper nutrients it becomes unbalanced or stressed which we perceive as being anxious or depressed or unfocused
There are 3 elements of nutrition the brain and body needs to function well.
1. The first element of good nutrition is protein. Our bodies are made of protein. Our muscles and bones are made from protein. All the metabolic mechanisms use protein to function. If we don't eat enough protein then our bodies start to break down our muscles and bones to get this important nutrient. So we need protein as it helps us deal with stress.
There is a big difference between good and bad protein. How can you tell the difference? A good protein has been sustainably raised like a cow, pig, chicken, or sheep that has been raised on a small ranch or farm or caught in the wild as in the case of fish. Sustainably raised animals tend to be healthier and not stressed which makes for a better protein. Good protein is easier for the body to process so you have more energy.
Bad protein comes from an animal that has been factory raised in crowded conditions, fed foods to fatten it up fast, and given antibiotics to keep it from getting sick. Bad protein is harder for the body to break down. You use more energy to digest it and it can leave a toxic residue that your body has to work hard to eliminate.
2. The 2nd element is sugar or carbohydrates. Now this topic has been in the news for years and it is confusing because you hear about simple carbs and complex carbs and high glycemic this and carb loading that. Well here's a simple tip to help you choose good carbs: If you can look at a food and know here it came from it is a good carb. For example when you choose an apple or a carrot you know it is a plant that was recently harvested. Now if you look at a packet of sugar you cannot tell if it came from a sugar beet or a sugar cane. This is not a good carb because it's been processed.
3. The 3rd key element of nutrition is fats. You cannot live without fat in your diet. Like carbs a good fat is something you can look at and know where it derived from. For example olive oil is easy to understand its origin. Even bacon can be considered a good fat in moderation if the pig is sustainably raised.
A bad fat is usually a substance like partially hydrogenated oil which has been used in food because it increases product shelf life and decreases the need for refrigeration. I have no idea where it came from outside a lab. The bad fats in a factory raised animal aren't healthy because the animals are filled with fattening feed, antibiotics and hormones which can be toxic to our system, and make it harder for our body digest this type of food. This leads to your body using more energy than necessary which makes you feel more tired and less able to cope with stress.
We need all 3 of these key elements for a healthy body. Think of them like building a fire:
- Carbs are the kindling to get the fire going.
- Proteins are the bigger logs that burn a long time
- o Fats cause the fire to burn hotter which burns more calories.
Last, I want to give you some recommendations for dealing with stress through nutrition and dietary supplements.
1. First, eat healthier foods. Buy locally grown or organic vegetables and fruit, sustainably raised meat, and wild caught fish when possible.
2. Next I recommend everyone take a good multi-vitamin. Stress can increase our need for certain vitamins. Often it's very hard to get enough vitamins and minerals from foods that are not sustainably produced. Minerals can only come from the soil and unless the farmer is adding compost and organic materials in every year the plants will not produce the minerals that we need if the soil is mineral deficient.
3. One very important vitamin to take is vitamin D. Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin since we used to be able to absorb enough of it through our skin. Nowadays it's hard to get sufficient Vitamin D on a daily basis because most of us work indoors, and use sunscreen when outside blocking its absorption. Vitamin D helps maintain a healthy immune system; it can prevent colds and flu. And helps you deal with stress and anxiety.
You can check my website for recommended nutrients and supplements. These come from vendors that I have been personally using for years. And I know they use good science and ethics in their formulations and manufacturing process. For more in-depth reading you can consult the books listed below.
Recommended Reading
- "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon
- "The End To Over Eating" by David Kessler
- "Strong Woman Stay Young" by Miriam Nelson
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Detoxify Your Body and Experience Better Health Number 6 Part 1 June 2010
Detoxify Your Body and Experience Better Health Part 1
Many of my patients ask me about detoxification with questions like: "How do you know you need to detoxify?" If on a daily basis you need caffeine in the morning to wake up, candy bars to pick you up or fast food snack in the afternoon to ease your hunger and alcohol at night to unwind you're a good candidate for a cleansing program. When our bodies are working well we automatically are detoxifying impurities and properly eliminating waste 24/7. If your body is not detoxifying well or your body has too many toxins you may be experiencing some of the following symptoms:
- Fatigue, headaches, low grade infections, poor skin color, skin rashes, joint pain.
- Digestive problems, food allergies, and difficulty concentrating.
3 Steps to Detoxify Your Body
If you're not feeling as good as you used to and think you need to detox your body, there are 3 actions you can take to get your body working at optimum detoxifying levels.
- Drink enough water. Water is essential for your body to detoxify. It helps every cell exchange water for waste through the cell walls. Make sure your water is filtered to remove any possible impurities.
- Antioxidants: we need plenty of antioxidants which are abundant in fruits and vegetables; as a bonus, fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and broccoli also contain up to 95% water.
- Medical Food: Start a specially formulated cleanse using "medical food" to detoxify the body of toxins and waste in a controlled and safe manner.
How did we get so toxic in the first place?
"The air we breathe, the water we drink and shower in, the foods we eat, the household products we clean with, the cosmetics we use all contribute to toxin build up. The buildings we live and work in can be loaded with chemical by-products from carpets and paints that alone or in combination cause disease. When we remove some or all of these contaminants from our lifestyle and feed our bodies with good nutrition that it is lacking, then our bodies can feel reinvigorated and healthy for the first time in years." Quote from
As you can see, many of the toxins we are exposed to are nearly unavoidable. We are also discovering that many things that we have used for years have cancer causing substances in them that in small quantities our body can break down and eliminate. But over time we accumulate more of these toxins than our body can handle properly.
Would you Eat 3 Pounds of Lipstick?
Of course not, but did you realize that over the average woman's lifetime she ingests 3 lbs of lipstick? I'm not suggesting you stop using lipstick but you should consider using cosmetics that are made from more organic and natural substances. What you put on your hair and your skin affects your health as much as what you put in your body.
As a culture with a fast paced lifestyle we suffer from a variety of chronic disorders which will eventually cause disabilities that impede our quality of life and feeling of well being. Too many toxins in the body cause inflammation of the joints, muscles and connective tissue which leads to chronic poor health and pain. You can do something to eliminate those toxins and reduce the inflammations by helping your body to process toxins more effectively.
3 Steps to Detoxify Your Body
First let's start by examining your sleeping and eating habits.
Your Body's Detoxification Process
The basic body detox goes through 3 stages after substances containing toxins are eaten, breathed in or absorbed through the skin.
- Stage One: the liver converts the toxins with the help of a family of enzymes. These enzymes convert the toxins into chemicals, some of which can be very harmful like free radicals.
- Stage Two: the liver neutralizes these toxins with the help of an adequate supply of amino acids and nutrients to prepare them for removal from the body through the kidneys or large intestines.
- Stage Three: involves the kidneys which help the toxins to be excreted through the urine.
In Part 2, I will talk about the best way to begin a detox program.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Detoxify Your Body and Experience Better Health Number 6 Part 2 June 2010
Detoxify Your Body and Experience Better Health Part 2
So what is the best way to begin a detox program? Ideally this should be started in the warmest part of the year as the body can become cold as we focus on detoxification. It is also the time of the year with the best variety of local, organic fruits and vegetables. So designate some time to begin your initial cleanse. I recommend 1-3 weeks for most patients, but up to 3 months for some patients with chronic conditions that have not been helped by conventional therapies.
Medical Food to Cleanse Your BodyIf you're not feeling as good as you used to and think you need to detox your body, there are 3 actions you can take to get your body working at optimum detoxifying levels. Medical Food to Cleanse Your Body
I use a very specific protein meal replacement that has been specifically designed as a "medical food". It is the right balance of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phyto nutrients that will fuel your body and accelerate the detoxification. Along with fresh organic fruits and vegetables, some grains and other protein is a complete nutrient combination. I think of this meal replacement as an efficient meal as it is easy on your digestion, very nutritious and allows all the extra energy that you are ingesting to be used to detox your body.
Detoxification should be supervised by a professional. It can be dangerous to go on an all water diet for example or eat so few calories that you body breaks down muscle to feed itself. Also not all meal replacement products have healthy ingredients and can actually contribute to the underlying problems. I lay out a complete detox program with timelines and recipes to make the process as easy, effective and fulfilling as possible. Some people will suffer from headaches when they start, like my husband who drinks coffee every day. As the body withdraws from its usual food source some people will experience unpleasant sensations which are normal. I will guide you through the usual ups and downs you will experience as you detoxify.
Start with a Consultation
If you would like to get started on a detoxification program the first step is coming in to see me for a consultation. This will take about an hour. I will review your condition and health goal and then lay out the program according to your current physical condition.
During the cleanse time frame, a basic program consists of 2 servings of the medical food per day plus specific fruits and vegetables, rice, beans, olive oil and plenty of water. You will not be hungry. I set the program up so it is doable for a busy, working person. I do recommend that you not schedule any "eating celebrations" during your detoxification time and that you think about all the ways you can take extra special care of yourself during this time.
I use the medical food products from Metagenics which have been well researched and tested in numerous clinical studies. I have been using their detoxification products for my self and some of my patients for the last 5 years with very good results. This program will help you re-discover the delicious taste and nourishment of whole foods and find a renewed energy and sense of well being.
Special Cleanse Consultation Offer
Many of my patients have medium to severe toxicity that has manifested itself over the years as chronic poor health that continues to compromise their quality of life. So to help more of my patients get started with a nutritional consultation, I will reduce my normal consultation fee by 50% until July 31, 2010. So if you would like to begin the process of cleansing your body of its toxins and pollutants and feeling better, give me a call to schedule your initial appointment.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Allergies Number 5 March 22, 2010
Take Action to Reduce and Prevent Allergies
It is springtime and many people find themselves suffering from seasonal allergies. In my neighborhood the pine trees are filled with gold pollen that coats everything including your nasal passages. Allergy symptoms range from post nasal drip, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, headache, sneezing, fatigue and scratchy throat. Sometimes allergies can turn into a head cold or sinus infection if left untreated.
There are several things you can do at home to alleviate symptoms. There are also other treatment plans I can develop for you in my office. If possible it's best to strengthen the immune system before the allergy season starts. I advise my patients to do a series of acupuncture treatments in the fall and winter to prepare for spring.
First let's start by examining your sleeping and eating habits.
- Are you getting enough sleep? With our lengthening days and nicer weather we may not be getting the rest that is so important for our body's to function optimally. Eight hours of sleep should be your goal.
- How about diet? Are you eating regularly and are you looking for food that is in season? If your body if working over time to process heavy or junk food you're hindering its ability to filter and process the pollen attack.
- Have more energy to sustain your commitment to positive behavior change
- Is your digestion working well? Now that winter is ending the first delicious greens are coming into the markets. All cooked greens are very good for strengthening and cleansing the immune system. My favorites are dandelion greens and stinging nettles. Other favorites are green onions, arugula, mizuna, tatsoi and green garlic. The bitter taste is needed in the spring as it helps cleanse the liver after eating the heavier foods of winter. The enzymes in the fresh greens help our digestion by producing bile.
Open Your Nasal Passages
For immediate relief of allergy symptoms first you need to get the nasal passages open. Anything with menthol in it will open up the nasal passages. Try Olbas Oil or the essential oils of pine, peppermint or eucalyptus. Just sniff it from the bottle or put a drop on a handkerchief and breathe in the scent.
Use a nasal rinse bottle which you can get in any drug store or use a neti pot. Make a solution of warm salt water using one cup of filtered or distilled water with mixed with ¼ to ½ teaspoon sea salt. Follow the directions on the bottle and then gently squeeze the mixture into the nasal passages; this helps remove pollen from the sinus area and sooth and heal the inflamed tissue. If your nasal passages are bleeding the salty water will sting so use less salt. If this procedure is irritating in any way stop. Another option is getting a pre-mixed salt solution in a nasal spay and using that several times per day. One brand in the drug stores is called Ocean.
Vitamins that help allergies are vitamin C 4,000mg to 12,000mg per day, vitamin B5 also called pantethine 250mg to 500mg per day, and quercetin, a bioflavonoid, 500mg 2 to 3 times per day. All of these nutrients are antihistamine and strengthen the immune system.
If your allergies are more than a minor bother and you need daily pharmaceutical medication you will need a more comprehensive approach. Many patients find that their pharmaceutical medicine is not as effective after using it for a long time and have recurring sinus infections that needing multiple courses of antibiotics. A complimentary and customized program would include herbal formulas, nutrition counseling and a series of acupuncture treatments.
Custom Treatment Plan
I have worked with many patients with severe allergies and sinus problems and designed for each one a custom treatment plan so they could avoid sinus surgery. Now they are feeling healthy during the heavy pollen season and very glad that they avoided having a major surgical procedure not to mention dealing with serious recovery time. Call my office and we can discuss working up a prevention and healing protocol for your allergy and sinus problems. Tasty Greens to Help with Your Allergies
Nettles and dandelion greens are two of my favorite greens for helping prevent allergies. Fresh stinging nettles must be cooked and should not be touched with bare hands because the hairs on the fresh leaves have formic acid that will irritate the skin causing a stinging, itchy, red rash that can last up to 24 hours. It is unpleasant! I buy nettles fresh at the farmers market and handle them with tongs or rubber gloves until they are cooked. Once the nettles are cooked or dried the formic acid is completely transformed and will not sting. Nettles are a beautiful bright green when cooked and can be used like cooked spinach. There are Italian recipes that use nettles in pasta and pesto. I like to make a simple soup with broth and par boiled nettles which I purée. It's very nutritious, full of minerals, good for the immune system, dries up yellow mucus, good for seasonal allergies and eczema and it is delicious.
Nettles can also be purchased in dried or tincture form. To make a tea use a handful of dried nettles to a quart of boiled water and steep overnight then drink the strained tea throughout the day. It's very mild tasting. To use in tincture form use 2 droppers full 2 times per day as a prevention for allergies or 4 droppers full 2 times per day for acute allergy symptoms.
My favorite way to use fresh dandelion greens is to par boil them for 5-8 minutes then rinse and squeeze out excess moisture, next sauté the greens with garlic and shitake mushrooms. Serve with salt and fresh lemon juice. Dandelion can also be used in tea form as well.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
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Health Goals Number 4 February 12, 2010
Your Health Goals Will Take More Than Just Willpower
Most of us believe self control is largely a character issue. However recent research suggests that willpower by itself is inherently limited. Because the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the area of the brain in charge of willpower, can become easily overtaxed willpower can decrease dramatically when you try to do too much too soon. Studies show that the PFC can be improved by focusing on 1 behavior change at a time which in turn can lead to other positive changes. One such study asked college students to improve their posture and over the course of two weeks noticed other improvements of self control happened as a consequence. The key take away here is that the PFC cannot process multiple requests to change at the same time. Some of my patients who attempted to do too many health goals at once were not successful.
Three tips to help you reach your health goals
1. The brain cannot handle multiple health goals at once For example, all it takes is 5 extra bits of information to decrease willpower in the PFC. One study tested willpower by having subjects choose a fruit salad or a slice of chocolate cake while keeping in mind a two digit or seven digit set of numbers. Those trying to juggle 7 digits were twice as likely to choose the cake over a fruit salad. The solution is to focus on only 1 health goal at a time. This way you not only start your health goal but continue to commit to it until it becomes a positive habit and is successful.
2. Calories do count but not in the way you think Another study gave one set of students lemonade with artificial sweetener and the second set of students lemonade with sugar. After viewing a video all the students were tested on several self control tasks. Those given the lemonade with artificial sugar, which had 0 calories, performed tasks less successfully than those who had consumed the sugar lemonade, which contained calories. The conclusion suggests that calories are needed to supply the brain with food to function effectively and increase self control. Skipping meals to lose weight or because you are too busy only makes it harder to maintain your willpower and will often lead to overeating or eating snack foods. I recommend you plan your meals and eat at regular times throughout the day to maintain proper blood sugar levels, and nourish the brain so it supports your health goals.
3. Even simple exercise is important to maintaining your health goals Exercise releases positive endorphins so you end up feeling better once you adhere to a regular activity routine. By exercise I mean just doing some daily physical activity to start. For example it could mean something as simple as a daily walk around the block or joining a gym. Exercise activates the brain reward center which helps us feel good, improves our mood, helps us sleep better and stimulates the flow blood to nourish the brain.
Many of my patients talk to me about losing weight and ask if acupuncture alone can help. I always make the joke that if acupuncture worked perfectly for weight loss by itself I'd be a wealthy woman. What I do know is acupuncture can help sustain your health goals in these areas:
- Become more relaxed which cuts back on anxiety induced cravings
- Feel clear headed and better able to concentrate on your goals and daily tasks
- Have more energy to sustain your commitment to positive behavior change
- Improve your digestion which allows the body to efficiently process the food you eat
By combining the Three Health Goals Tips along with a series of acupuncture treatments, you will be better able to prioritize, stay committed and succeed with your health goals in 2010.
For more information you can contact me at my office. Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
Happy Holidays Number 3 January 1, 2010
Happy Holidays
As this New Year begins I want to express much gratitude to my patients for their trust and encouragement. You enable me to do the work I'm passionate about. I really enjoy partnering with you on your life's journey for good health and healthy aging. May the New Year bring you health and happiness.
What is health?
In the modern world, our health care system defines health as having the correct test scores and metrics for medicine, disease and healing. Knowing your test score is important as guidelines for achieving and maintaining the best health possible.
But I believe in a more encompassing definition. Health in not the absence of disease; it is the sense that one's life is rich, full and vibrant. I think of a dear friend who lives in a nursing facility and can do very little physically for herself and suffers from Parkinson's disease. Yet she is a tremendous inspiration and joy to her friends and fellow residents. She has wisdom and humor that she can share with me and others. Her western medical prognosis is dire, but her sense of self is that her life is often challenging but also busy and full of life that is fully enjoyed at the moment. And she receives acupuncture and massage on a regular basis which helps her deal with her condition.
Health is not simply a medical condition
We've been conditioned to think of health as being another medical condition. It's not. It's the biological capacity to live a full rich life. Health is a capacity; it is about what each person and their body is capable of doing. It's a capacity that develops in response to what each person wants from life. It's a capacity that develops based on what each person learns and knows. It's a capacity developed in response to the circumstances in which each person finds herself, the circumstances she seeks out and creates on her own and with others. In other words, health is about power not only to mitigate and care for infirmities but the power to take action that purposely makes life better.
So for 2010 I will be focusing on helping each of my patients to achieve their fullest biological capacity to experience as rich a life as possible. If you would like more information on how we can work together to achieve and maintain your optimum health please contact me at my office:
In health, Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
Vitamin D: The Super Supplement Cold and Flu Fighter Number 2 November 15, 2009
Vitamin D: The Super Supplement Cold and Flu Fighter
We are now deep into the fall season so I will continue to write about cold and flu prevention. Hopefully you are already taking some preventative measures.
I know that you are hearing a lot about the H1NI flu vaccine in the news and have concerns about whether or not to immunize your family. You will have to make that decision according to the best available information. What I'm not seeing in the news is how to stay strong and healthy. I have some recommendations based upon years of experience and some recent vitamin deficiency studies on Vitamin A and D. For example, at a Wisconsin care facility where 275 children live, they had been tested for Vitamin D deficiencies and were supplemented with Vitamin D. They were exposed to the H1N1 flu in June 2009 when a new resident, who was ill with the H1N1 virus, moved into the facility. Only 1 child came down with the H1N1 flu. However over 70 staff members who were not tested and had no supplemental Vitamin D came down with flu symptoms. People who have become ill with H1N1 and been tested afterwards have shown a clear lack of Vitamins A and D. Why does having Vitamin A and D deficiency make you more susceptible to getting the H1N1 flu? Mainly, these vitamins have been proven to boost immunity.
If I have not talked to you personally about Vitamin D and you have not been tested for Vitamin D levels then I want to tell you why it is one of the most important vitamins in the prevention of colds and flu.
Vitamin D is the "sunshine vitamin" because it is made in the body only when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Many people do not get nearly enough sun exposure and if they do they have covered the skin with sun block or clothing which prevents Vitamin D from forming. We have always known that Vitamin D is the escort of Calcium into the bones but in the last decade many more uses for Vitamin D have been discovered.
Vitamin D helps maintain a healthy immune system. It can prevent colds and flu. Think about when we are getting colds and flu and it's during the darkest months of the year. Since the 1940's milk has been fortified with Vitamin D which was the first vitamin to be manufactured in a lab and added to our food supply. Vitamin D2 was formulated at the University of Wisconsin , Madison and it was very cheep to produce. The problem with D2 is it does not convert well to activated Vitamin D in the body and at high doses it can be toxic. The RDA recommended daily allowance was set at 400IUs which turns out to be extremely low. Now we are finding that due to our lack of Vitamin D and the inferior quality of the fortified foods, Vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic proportions.
What to do?
First of all get your blood tested for Vitamin D. I can order an inexpensive test for you. Ask me about this at your next appointment or e-mail me.
Second choose foods that contain Vitamin D. They are the foods with fat. Low fat foods will not provide Vitamin D. The food highest in Vitamin D is Cod Liver Oil. Other sources are deep water fatty fish like salmon, oysters, organ meats, egg yolk and butter. Fortified foods include dairy products and cereal grains but the amounts added can be erratic and if the form is Vitamin D2 it is not easily assimilated in the body. Also these fortified products need to be eaten with fat so nonfat milk is not going to help Vitamin D levels.
Last, take a supplement to get sufficient levels of Vitamin D. Like I mentioned first get your blood tested so I can help you determine your level of deficiency. Then I can help you supplement accordingly.
In order to get enough Vitamin A, the easiest way to do this is by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables. Cod Liver Oil is also a source of Vitamin A. It is important to not to get too much vitamin A in supplement form as it can be toxic so eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies is the safest way to get Vitamin A in your diet.
In addition to consuming more Vitamin A and D think about what daily habits may be contributing factors in compromising your resistance to colds and flu:
* Do you get enough rest or are you trying to get by on 6 hours of sleep or less? * Are you eating regularly or are you snacking throughout the day? * Is your digestion working properly? * Do you get regular exercise each week?
All the above factors sound very simple but they do take a personal plan and some effort to take care of ones self. I can help you by designing a personal plan to enhance your immune system to help you deal with the cold and flu season. Give me a call or discuss this with me during your next appointment.
In health, Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700
Healthy Aging Number 1 October 15, 2009
I want to announce my new fall workshop, Healthy Aging, Prioritizing Your Self Care, a one day class for women Sept 19, 2009 in Berkeley. This will be an exciting, relaxing, experiential day shared with like minded woman who are exploring and creating healthy practices that will benefit our bodies and minds in the second half of life. I am delighted to be teaching this class with my friend and colleague Ondine Norman MFT who works with clients prioritizing life directions and finding a focus. The fee is normally $100 per person, but if you register with a friend to attend we will charge $100 for both of you!
Self Care Activities to Prevent Colds and H1M1 Flu
Fall is coming, school has started and this brings about the change in self care activities that preserve and enhance our energy for the coming winter months.
In traditional Chinese medicine the fall is the time of harvesting, saving and storing what the abundant summer has produced. This principal applies to the human condition in that we have built strength and muscle and vitamin D stores to serve us through the less active winter months. This is the time to build up the immune system in preparation for the cold and flu season.
Strategies for Self Care Firstthink of all the things you can do to promote your health during the fall season, like:
- seeing an acupuncturist to boost your body's immune system
- taking the right mix and dosage of vitamins
- eating well and eating right
- exercising to strengthen the body and reduce stress
- getting enough rest to generate more energy and mental focus
These activities all enhance your immune systems and make you less susceptible to the colds and flu's that are just beginning to be circulated. In my practice I've found that my clients start reporting colds about one to two weeks after school opens.
I use two different kinds of formulas to prevent colds and flu's. The first formula is a Chinese traditional formula, called "Jade Wind-Screen" and is used for strengthening the immune system. It is very effective and has been in use for thousands of years. This formula should be started in late summer and be taken for two to three months. This will help protect you from catching colds.
The second formula I use I call "Prevent a Cold" and it is based on Yin Qiao Formula. It is used at the first signs of a cold such as sore throat, runny nose, slight fever or chills and body aches. This formula can stop a cold from progressing into the lungs. It is taken 3-4 times per day for several days to chase the cold away. If you wake in the early morning with a scratchy throat or runny nose start taking the herbs and monitor symptoms throughout the day while continuing to take the formula. If the symptoms go away stop the formula but be ready to start the formula again at the first signs of a cold coming back. You can do this for several days but if symptoms do progress to a full blown cold then a more individualized formula will be necessary. Whenever you take herbs pay attention to how it effects your digestion. If you have any digestive upset should discontinue the formula.
In considering the H1N1 influenza virus that has been reported in the news the most important first step is being as healthy as you can. Using the Jade Wind-Screen formula will help this as well as getting proper rest and nutrition. If you think you have come down with the flu you should also call your doctor.
In health, Susan Wallace, L.Ac. 510-559-8700