I practice acupuncture, herbal and nutritional medicine. Working within the framework of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, which is a complete medical system that has been utilized in Asia for over 5,000 years, I augment my practice with modern nutritional science. What interests me most in
traditional medicine is that it continues to be valid and useful in our modern world. What excites me in nutritional science is the current and ongoing study
of how our bodies and our minds work. The
Chinese character for man is a being between heaven and earth. The physical, emotional, and spiritual all connect to affect our health and Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on this concept. Humans live on earth and interact
with it. It is how we interact with these concepts that develops and creates our health.
To Stay Healthier, Heal Faster, and Age Better, please read more in About My Work.
Healthy Living Newsletter February 2024
Stealth Pathogens May Be Compromising Your Health
I have an important topic to introduce this month.
Stealth Pathogens: I often see patients with several to many chronic symptoms which never add up to a specific diagnosis in the doctor’s office. It might be a recurring skin rash or odd intermittent pains, allergic reactions that don’t have an obvious cause, respiratory problems that never go away, a virus that goes dormant like herpes, or food poisoning that seemed to clear but didn’t, candida that changes into some other fungus. Often, it’s chalked up to aging.
Treatment: Treating this takes whole plant herbs that are pulse dosed to trick the stealth critters to come out of hiding and then get eliminated.
I have seen dramatic results in different individuals, and it is an easy program to follow.
Healthy Living Newsletter October 2023
Drink Clean Water for Your Best Health
As we enter fall, I've been thinking about one of my favorite topics - hydration and water filters. When we filter water right in our homes, we get the best, safest water possible. And you don’t have to lug cases of bottled water to do so.
If you aren’t using a water filter then you are the water filter.
Our municipal water departments only need to test and regulate for certain contaminants. Some contaminants such as lead are unsafe at any level however our state will allow some lead to remain in the water. Here are some other factors to consider:
Healthy Living Newsletter August 2023
Good news. I love helping my patients heal from injury or disease, and sometimes its my patient who helps me heal. As many of you know I
have a hearing loss and needed to wear hearing aids. As of a month ago my hearing has returned....
Eleven years ago I was on a vacation and the day before I got on a plane to fly home I spent time in the resorts large hot pool. I love to be in water and kept dunking my head under the hot water. I went to bed and the next morning I got on a plane to fly home. When I got off the plane I couldn’t hear normally. I thought my ears would “pop”, but they never did. This was 11 years ago.